Youth Camps receiving Purchase of Care are required to follow DELACARE: Regulations for Youth Camps.
These forms are used for youth camps and will help you comply with DELACARE Regulations.
- Accident or Injury Report
- Adult Health Appraisal
- Background Check Form
- Child File Checklist
- Child Health Appraisal
- Child Information Card
- CPR and First Aid Training Resource
- Daily Attendance Form
- Drug and Alcohol Prohibition Acknowledgment
- Emergency Plan
- Medication Administration Record- Emergency Use or as Needed Use
- Medication Administration Record- Routine or Limited Use
- Menu Evaluation Form
- Parent/Guardian Handbook for Youth Camps
- Parents Right to Know Notice
- Release of Employment
- Service Letters
- Staff File Checklist
- Staff Orientation
- Variance Request
If you wish to hire staff, create a free job posting. Your posting will automatically be deleted after 4 weeks.
If you are interested in opening a youth camp, please call the OCCL office at 302-892-5800 to register for a virtual information session, stating the county location of the youth camp.
To give medication to children as a child care provider, you must be certified to administer medication. To become certified:
- Complete training and certification online. For a video of these steps, visit Getting Started in Canvas.
- Register for the following. Please note: You must use the same email address for all accounts.
- Within one day, expect an email from
- Follow email instructions to Guest Account Services.
- Confirm your email address, choose a password, and choose your security questions and answers.
- You will receive a second email from welcoming you to UD guest services. This email will include information on how to reset your passwords, if ever necessary. Password reset information can also be found on the DIEECPD website.
- On day two, log in to Canvas and access registered courses.
- Click the box to agree to the acceptable use policy.
- Navigate to courses > ‘all courses’ to view currently registered courses.
If you are planning to administer non-intravenous injections, additional training as stipulated by the child’s health care provider is required. The following forms will also need to be completed: Diabetes Medical Management Plan, Sample Release and Waiver of Liability for Non-intravenous Injection and Sample Authorization for Care by Non-Intravenous Injection.
The Child and Adult Care Food Program and Purchase of Care are two programs that help improve low income families’ access to quality child care.
The Child & Adult Care Food Program
The Child & Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) improves the quality of care for children by making it more affordable for many low-income families. Through CACFP, more than 3.3 million children receive nutritious meals and snacks each day. See how CACFP can make a difference in the quality of care! As a participating program, you will become part of a nationwide effort to improve children’s nutrition and will be teaching those children the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.
The following three agencies Catholic Charities, Delaware Parents Association, and Children and Families First manage the CACFP for child care centers, large family child care homes, family child care homes, and youth camps in Delaware. Please contact an agency for more information about joining the CACFP.
Purchase of Care
Purchase of Care (POC) is a program that helps low-income families pay for their child care.
As a provider, you have the option of contracting with the Division of Social Services (DSS) to care for children enrolled in POC. Becoming a POC provider means that you will accept DSS payment rates and will not charge parents any additional fees, other than those allowed in the contract.
If you do not want to come under POC contract and you are a licensed provider you can still accept POC children via the Self-Arranged payment option. This means the POC parent pays your full rate directly, but is only reimbursed the POC rate portion by DSS after you sign their monthly receipt for services.
If you are interested in contracting with POC, please contact the DSS Child Care Monitor for your county.
New Castle County: 302-255-9670
Kent County: 302-739-4437
Sussex County: 302-856-5569
Managing Infectious Disease in Childcare Settings 4th edition.
These websites may be used to enhance your program, provide you with information, and help answer questions you may have.