Wilmington schools. Wilmington voices.

The Wilmington Learning Collaborative is a voluntary network of schools in Wilmington across multiple school districts.

The Collaborative’s goal is to create consistency for students, empower educators, school leaders, and communities, and improve outcomes for students in City of Wilmington schools.

Upcoming Meetings

There are no meetings scheduled at this time.

Council Members

Member Name Title
Lincoln Hohler Brandywine Superintendent
Dan Shelton Christina Superintendent
Dorrell Green Red Clay Superintendent
Shanika Perry Brandywine Board Member
Alethea Smith-Tucker Christina Board Member
Adriana Bohm Red Clay Board Member
Starr Wilson Brandywine Parent
Shanette Graham Christina Parent
Jennie Yeow Red Clay Parent
Janis McElrath Former Educator
Don Patton Mayoral Appointee
Tarin Johnson Student Member (Christina, Glasgow High School)
Laila Cottman Non-voting Student Member (Brandywine, Mount Pleasant High School)
Sophia Hughes Non-voting Student Member (Red Clay, Cab Calloway High School)


Over the past year, Governor Carney and his team have met with Wilmington families, educators, students, and community members to hear what they would like to see in Wilmington schools. Based on those meetings and discussions, along with negotiations with school districts, an agreement has been developed.

The WLC Agreement includes robust feedback from educators, community members, parents, students, and community leaders.

Information Sessions

Governor John Carney held info sessions about the Wilmington Learning Collaborative. Several of the events were streamed live on YouTube and Facebook.

Past information sessions and events can be found at the Office of the Governor.

Governor Carney hosted the first of several Family Engagement Events on March 3, 2022 at Stubbs Early Education Center. Watch this video from WITN to see how community feedback is a key part of this effort to improve outcomes for children in the City of Wilmington.

Governor Carney’s office hosted a “virtual visit” with a few models similar to the Wilmington Learning Collaborative. The visit included conversations with educators, school and district leaders, board members, and community leaders in places like Springfield, Fort Worth, Waco and Denver.

Governor Carney and Jim Simmons, Chief Equity Officer at the Delaware Department of Education, discuss the Wilmington Learning Collaborative in this interview with DETV.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The agreement was signed on November 1, 2022 by the Superintendents of the Brandywine, Christina, and Red Clay school districts and the Secretary from the Delaware Department of Education. You can view the full agreement in detail.

The first action will be to appoint the Wilmington Learning Collaborative Council, the governing council established by the WLC agreement.

The schools participating in the Wilmington Learning Collaborative are: Harlan Elementary School (Brandywine), Stubbs Early Education Center (Christina), the Bayard School (Christina), the Bancroft School (Christina), Pulaski (proposed for a potential dual-generation center for the 2023-2024 school year in Christina), Shortlidge Academy (Red Clay), Warner Elementary School (Red Clay), Joseph E. Johnson Elementary School (Red Clay), and William C. Lewis Dual Language Elementary School (Red Clay).

Districts may add individual schools to this agreement by a process determined by the districts and WLC collaboratively. A district may also remove individual schools from the WLC if both the district and WLC Council agree to such removal. New schools will only be added to the WLC if additional funding is made available by the state to support their participation in the WLC.

In addition to existing state, local, and federal funds (including Opportunity Funding [LINK], K-3 basic special education funding, and mental health funding), the Governor’s FY 2023 budget includes an additional $7 million for the WLC to make an impact on the schools that join the WLC.

Each of the FY 2024 and FY 2025 Governor’s recommended budgets will also have no less than $7 million for the schools in the WLC.

The WLC Council will report annually on the usage of the $7 million.

School Board Meetings

Christina School Board

October 10, 2022 – 7:00 p.m.

APPROVED: Members of the Christina School Board voted unanimously to participate in the Wilmington Learning Collaborative.


Brandywine School Board

October 17, 2022 – 7:00 p.m.

APPROVED: Members of the Brandywine School Board voted unanimously to participate in the Wilmington Learning Collaborative.


Red Clay School Board

October 19, 2022 – 7:00 p.m.

APPROVED: Members of the Red Clay School Board voted unanimously to participate in the Wilmington Learning Collaborative.


Christina School Board

January 11, 2022 – 7:00 p.m.

APPROVED: Members of the Christina School Board voted in favor of taking the next step on the Wilmington Learning Collaborative.


Red Clay School Board

February 9, 2022 – 7:00 p.m.

APPROVED: Members of the Red Clay School Board voted in favor of taking the next step on the Wilmington Learning Collaborative.


Brandywine School Board

February 7, 2022 – 7:00 p.m.

APPROVED: Members of the Brandywine School Board voted in favor of taking the next step on the Wilmington Learning Collaborative.


Community Engagement

Governor Carney knocked on doors in Wilmington to invite families to community meetings, to hear from them about their educational experiences, and to tell them about this plan.

For pictures of Governor Carney walking Wilmington, please visit the Office of the Governor.
