Delaware’s Public Education Funding Commission (PEFC) is charged by Senate Concurrent Resolution 201 of the 152nd General Assembly to continue the comprehensive review of public education funding for all students and populations served by district and charter schools, develop a roadmap of recommendations to implement improvements to the public education funding system, and serve as an ongoing body to review the funding annually and recommend updates and changes.
PEFC Meeting Information
The Commission seeks input from others including educators, families, school administrators, local school boards, and community representatives. All meetings include the opportunity for public comment.
Upcoming Meetings
Public Education Funding Commission (PEFC) Meeting
This meeting is virtual. PEFC will continue the comprehensive review of public education funding for all students and populations served by district and charter schools, develop a roadmap of recommendations to implement improvements to the public education funding system, and serve as an ongoing body to review the funding annually and recommend updates and changes.
Public Education Funding Commission (PEFC) Meeting
This meeting is virtual. PEFC will continue the comprehensive review of public education funding for all students and populations served by district and charter schools, develop a roadmap of recommendations to implement improvements to the public education funding system, and serve as an ongoing body to review the funding annually and recommend updates and changes.
Public Education Funding Commission (PEFC) Meeting
This meeting is virtual. PEFC will continue the comprehensive review of public education funding for all students and populations served by district and charter schools, develop a roadmap of recommendations to implement improvements to the public education funding system, and serve as an ongoing body to review the funding annually and recommend updates and changes.
Previous Agenda/Meeting Minutes and Presentations
Past Years
Commission Members
The Commission shall consist of the following members: the Secretary of Education; the Controller General; the Director of the Office of Management and Budget; the Chair of the Senate Education Committee; the Chair of the House Education Committee; a member of the minority caucus of the Senate; a member of the minority caucus of the House of Representatives; the President of the Delaware State Education Association; the Executive Director of the Delaware Association of School Administrators; the President of the Delaware Chief School Officers Association of the Delaware Association of School Administrators; the Executive Director of the Delaware School Boards Association; three school financial officers; one charter school administrator who is in charge of school finances; two principals; three professional educators; three education support professionals; one special education director; one representative of a community organization serving students in poverty; one representative of a community organization serving students learning English; one representative of an education policy organization or institution of higher education; one member of the community with knowledge of education funding policy; one representative of a parent advocacy organization; one representative of the Vision Coalition; one representative of the Special Education Strategic Plan Advisory Council. The Commission chair is named in the resolution.
Name | Organization | |
Cindy Marten | Secretary of Department of Education | |
Ruth Ann Miller | Controller General | |
Brian Maxwell | Director of Office of Management and Budget | |
Senator Laura Sturgeon | Chair, Senate Ed Committee | |
Representative Kimberly Williams | Chair, House Ed Committee | |
Senator Buckson | Pres Pro Tempore | |
Representative Hensley | Speaker of House | |
Taylor Hawk | DSEA President | |
Tammy Croce | DASA Executive Director | |
Kevin Carson | President of the Chiefs Kevin Dickerson | |
David Tull | DSBA Executive Director | |
Emily Falcon | Colonial S.D. School Financial Officer | |
Sara Hale | Milford S.D. School Financial Officer | |
Nick Johnson | Polytech S.D. School Financial Officer | |
Melissa Tracy | Odyssey Charter School Educator | |
Rachel Valentin | Charter School of New Castle | |
Jose Aviles Riveria | Aspira Charter Principal | |
Evelyn Edney | Early College High School Principal | |
April Albury-Harmon | Seaford S.D. Financial Officer | |
Karen Ewing | Christina S.D. Support Professional | |
Heather Hitchens | Lake Forest S.D. Financial Officer | |
Cassie Queen | Indian River S.D. Financial Officer | |
Sarah Celestin | Red Clay Consolidated S.D. Special Education Director | |
Jennifer Fuqua | La Esperanza Executive Director | |
Britney Mumford | DE ICAN Executive Director | |
Madeleine Bayard | Rodel Senior Vice President | |
Meedra Surratte | Parent Information Center of Delaware Executive Director | |
Marcus Wright | Vision Coalition Leadership Team | |
Lisa Lawson | Spec Ed Strategic Plan Advisory Council | |
Helen Anderson | Stubbs Dual Generation Center Director | |
Crystal Nelson | Red Clay Consolidated School District Educator | |
Sara Hale | Milford School District Chief Operating Officer | |
Gary Henry | University of Delaware Professor | |
Sage Sawhney | Delaware State Board of Education | |