The Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) equips public school staff with guidance and resources to effectively teach civics, economics, geography and history in kindergarten through grade 12. DDOE does not create or enforce specific social studies curriculum but does ensure schools follow the following state content standards and support all educators with high quality professional learning:
DDOE operates with the knowledge that all children are successful in the classroom and beyond when high expectations exist alongside appropriate supports. Our primary purpose is to assist districts and charter schools in their mission to prepare students for their college and career goals after high school.
Please note: Delaware schools operate under local control, which means operational decisions – including classroom curriculum – are determined at the individual district and charter school level. For questions regarding classroom instruction, please contact your local district, charter or school board.
The Delaware Social Studies Coalition
The Delaware Social Studies Coalition aims to improve K-12 social studies teaching and learning in Delaware schools. The coalition supports the creation of high-quality instruction for students.
United States Senate Youth Program
The United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP) is open to junior or senior high school students with demonstrated leadership abilities to deepen their understanding of America’s political processes and strengthen their resolve to pursue careers in public service.

Contact Us
For more information on Delaware social studies standards, please email Michael Feldman or call 302-735-4180.