Driver Education

What Statutes and Regulations exist for driver education?

For Administrative Code, see Title 14 540 Driver Education. For Delaware Code, see: Title 14 Chapter 1: Department of Education §122 Rules and Regulations §127 Driver Education Instruction in Nonpublic High Schools Chapter 41: General Regulatory Provisions §4125 Driver Education Certification §4130 Expulsion of Students; Re-enrollment; Loss of Driver's License Title 21 Chapter 27: Driver's License [...]

2023-11-07T15:00:16-05:00November 7th, 2023||Comments Off on What Statutes and Regulations exist for driver education?

A student just moved to Delaware from another state, is under the age of 18 and would like to get a driver’s license. What should they do?

They must contact the high school they attend to see if they qualify to take the Driver Education Course offered at their school. If their school is unable to enroll them in the Driver Education course, they must contact one of the Alternate Student Driver Education Programs located near them. Not all high school transfers [...]

2023-11-06T10:16:06-05:00November 6th, 2023||Comments Off on A student just moved to Delaware from another state, is under the age of 18 and would like to get a driver’s license. What should they do?

A student just moved to Delaware from another state, already has a license, and is under the age of 18. How does the student transfer their license to Delaware?

A license from another state does not automatically transfer to a license in Delaware. Driving is a “privilege” offered by each state in our country. The laws regarding how a teenager gets a license can differ in each state. If a student is under the age of 18, on a permit or provisional license [...]

2023-11-06T10:15:19-05:00November 6th, 2023||Comments Off on A student just moved to Delaware from another state, already has a license, and is under the age of 18. How does the student transfer their license to Delaware?

What does Academic Eligibility mean?

Each individual successfully completing driver education must have earned passing grades in 5 credits at the time of certification, with at least 2 of these credits in separate areas of English, Mathematics, Science, or Social Studies, in order to receive his/her Blue Certificate. This includes out-of-state students or individuals relocating into Delaware under the age [...]

2023-11-03T12:41:09-04:00November 3rd, 2023||Comments Off on What does Academic Eligibility mean?

I just moved to Delaware from another state. I am under the age of 18 and would like to get my driver’s license. What should I do?

Contact the high school you attend and see if you qualify to take the Driver Education Course offered at your school. If your school is unable to enroll you in the Driver Education course, contact one of the Alternate Student Driver Education Programs located near you. Not all high school transfers from out of state [...]

2023-11-03T12:39:54-04:00November 3rd, 2023||Comments Off on I just moved to Delaware from another state. I am under the age of 18 and would like to get my driver’s license. What should I do?

I just moved to Delaware from another state, already have my license, and am under the age of 18. How do I transfer my license to Delaware?

A license from another state does not automatically transfer to a license in Delaware. Driving is a privilege offered by each state. The laws regarding how a teenager gets a license can differ in each state. If you are under the age of 18, on a permit or provisional license from another state, you must [...]

2023-11-03T12:39:35-04:00November 3rd, 2023||Comments Off on I just moved to Delaware from another state, already have my license, and am under the age of 18. How do I transfer my license to Delaware?