Delaware’s Inclusion Means Placing All Children Together (IMPACT) program provides early child care and educational settings serving children ages birth through five with resources and support to increase high-quality inclusive practices. The Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) promotes the need for high-quality inclusion in Delaware environments so that all children and families – regardless of their abilities – can fully participate in the opportunities presented.
High-quality inclusion is valuable and beneficial for all children as well as their families, teachers, and communities by providing everyone with:
- A sense of belonging and membership,
- Positive social relationships and friendships, and
- Development and learning to reach their full potential.
- Meaningful friendships with diverse and shared play opportunities
- Higher expectations and greater outcomes for all the children
- Increased appreciation for diversity and difference and respect for all people
- Improved social-emotional, language and communication skills
If you are part of an Early Childhood and Education Program, please reach out if you would like resources such as:
- print resources
- referrals
- training
- technical assistance
- coaching (virtual and eventually in person)
We also recommend that you review the national position statement on early childhood inclusion from the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). Includes definition, recommendations and more.
For more information or to request a specific resource type, email the Office of Early Learning or call 302-735-4200.