Basic Needs School Closets
An initiative to stock basic needs school closets in 45 high-needs Delaware schools and provide elementary and middle school students across the state with increased access to free products designed to meet students’ needs so they can effectively participate in class and to have a greater chance of success.
Project THRIVE
Project THRIVE provides free mental health services to eligible Delaware students. Services are available to students – grades pre-k through 12 – attending Delaware public schools, private schools, parochial schools and homeschools.
Foster Care Education
The DDOE partners with schools and state agencies to ensure students in foster care continue their education without disruption, maintain important relationships, and have the opportunity to achieve college and career readiness.
Homeless Education
The DDOE partners with schools to minimize the educational disruptions experienced by students who are experiencing homelessness.
Migrant Education
The DDOE partners with schools to offer support services for migratory students and families.