Plan to Ensure Equitable Access to Excellent Educators for All Students

Plan Documents and Links

Educator Equity Plan Appendices

  • Appendix A : Delaware Educator Diagnostic – Analysis of the First State’s Workforce
  • Appendix B : Technical Appendix to Exhibit 2
  • Appendix C : Stakeholder Engagement Stage 1 Deck and Materials
  • Appendix D : Stakeholder Engagement Stage 2 Deck and Materials
  • Appendix E : Stakeholder Engagement Stage 3 Deck and Materials
  • Appendix F : Stakeholder Engagement Stage 1 Meeting Note Summaries
  • Appendix G Stakeholder Engagement Stage 2 Meeting Note Summaries
  • Appendix H : Stakeholder Engagement Stage 3 Meeting Note Summaries
  • Appendix I : Sample Stakeholder Outreach Email
  • Appendix J : Center for Great Teachers and Leaders (GTL) Talent Development Framework
  • Appendix K : Community of Practice Developed DPAS-II Guide for Administrators
  • Appendix L : Profiles of Educators in the Delaware Talent Cooperative
  • Appendix M : Delaware Talent Cooperative Study Summary
  • Appendix N : Sample Exit Survey
  • Appendix O : Brandywine School District CIP Grant Proposal
  • Appendix P : Colonial School District CIP Grant Proposal
  • Appendix Q : Funding Flexibility Workgroup Report
  • Appendix R : Title II, Part A 2015-16 Consolidated Grant Application Program Highlights
  • Appendix S : District Equity Gap Maps

Associated Reports and Documents

This Southern Regional Education Board report (April 2016) is part of a series that celebrates schools across the country where teachers are growing and their students are benefiting as a result. In particular, their research focuses on learning from teachers in high-needs schools who are effectively helping their students defy historic achievement statistics. The Delaware report features three schools: Capital School District’s North Dover Elementary, Indian River School District’s North Georgetown Elementary, and Kuumba Academy Charter School in Wilmington.

Last Modified on October 11, 2022