Delaware’s Public Education Compensation Committee (PECC) is charged by Senate Bill 100 of the 151st General Assembly to recommend an enhanced compensation structure for school staff so that our state is better able to compete with regional school districts, private businesses and other agencies in recruiting and retaining a qualified and diverse education workforce.

PECC provided its Final Recommendations Report – including a written cost estimate and draft legislation – to the Governor on Monday, October 30, 2023 for consideration in the Governor’s Fiscal Year 2025 recommended budget.

PECC Meeting Information

The Committee seeks input from others including educators, parents, school administrators, local school boards, and higher education representatives. All meetings include the opportunity for public comment.

Upcoming Meetings

There are no meetings scheduled at this time.

View all PECC meetings

Previous Agenda/Meeting Minutes and Presentations

Past Years

Committee Members

The Committee shall consist of the following members: the Secretary of Education; the Controller General; the Director of the Office of Management and Budget; the President of the Delaware State Education Association; the Executive Director of the Delaware Association of School Administrators; an educator appointed by the Senate President Pro Tempore; two school financial officers appointed by the Governor; one school superintendent appointed by the Governor; a charter school administrator appointed by the Speaker of the House; a representative of the Office of the Governor; the Chair of the House Education Committee; the Chair of the Senate Education Committee; one member from the House minority caucus appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and one member from the Senate minority caucus appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. The Committee will elect a chair from amongst the membership.

Name Organization Email
Mark Holodick Secretary of Department of Education
Ruth Ann Jones Controller General
Cerron Cade Director of Office of Management and Budget
Stephanie Ingram Pres of DE State Education Association
Tammy Croce Exec Dir of DE Assoc. of School Admins.
David Kohan Educator
Sara Hale School Financial Officer
Sean Sokolowski School Financial Officer
Kevin Long Woodbridge School District
Eric Anderson Head of School
Johnathan Starkey Office of the Governor Rep
Kimberly Williams Chair of House Education Committee
Laura Sturgeon Chair of Senate Education Committee
Michael Smith Member House Minority Caucus
Brian Pettyjohn Member Senate Minority Caucus