Kim Klein
Kim Klein serves as the Associate Secretary of Operations Support for the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE). In this role she is responsible for the operational support areas of: charter schools (including non-public schools), finance (including operating and capital), logistics (also known as science materials warehouse), technology and data operations, and school transportation. Kim and her team focus on providing timely, effective and efficient supports to all stakeholders in these areas.
Kim has a strong financial background with almost 28 years of state service in budgeting and accounting. She began her career with DDOE in 2013 as the finance director, serving as the chief financial officer for seven years. During her career, Kim has served in leadership roles for several state agencies. She served as the bureau chief of management services for the Department of Correction (DOC) for almost five years. She also served as the deputy director of budget development, planning and administration for the Office of Management and Budget for a number of years, where she also held other positions, including senior fiscal and policy analyst for public education.
Kim received her undergraduate degree from Delaware State University in business administration and her masters from the University of Delaware in public administration with a focus on organizational leadership.
Phone: 302-735-4040
Degrees: Master of Public Administration with a focus on organizational leadership from the University of Delaware; Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Delaware State University