We ask that you read through the website carefully and check the FAQs. If you still need help, please fill out the support request form below to submit a support request ticket to our Nonpublic school support team.
NPS Email: nps@doe.k12.de.us
NPS Phone: 302-241-2820
NPS Office Visitation: In person office visits must be scheduled. You can submit a support request, email, or call to schedule an in person appointment to meet with one of our support team members. Please be advised, office hours are still limited, appointments for in person meetings will be scheduled as needed and are currently offered on Tuesdays.
Support Request Form
Once your request has been received, we will generate a ticket and respond back to you from our ticketing system. Please only complete one support request per issue. We respond to issues in the order they are received. Please be advised that June through August are peak season due to annual reporting requirements and response times may be longer.