Consolidated Grant Application

DDOE’s Consolidated Grant Application is the method by which districts and charters request the majority of their federal and state program funds from the Department. This process helps districts and charters consolidate their resources and planning efforts, decrease paperwork, and increase program efficiency.

CTE Innovation Grant

The DDOE awards Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (known as Perkins V) to eligible recipients for the purpose of implementing and improving secondary Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs of study.


The eGrants platform is a comprehensive grant management system used by eligible recipients and the DDOE for managing an integrated strategic planning tool and funding application.

ESSA Federal Programs and Supports

The federal ESSA plan allows increased flexibility and local control over its design for supporting educational opportunities and outcomes for all students. Delaware’s ESSA plan includes how Delaware will implement ESSA-required assessments, accountability and resources for districts and charter schools.

ESSER Funding

Learn about federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funding received by the Delaware Department of Education to address the impact of COVID-19 on pre-k through grade 12 education.

Family Services

Find information on migrant education, 21st Century Community Learning Centers, Basic Needs School Closets, Project DelAWARE, Project THRIVE, foster care education, homeless education, and the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission.

Opportunity Funding

Delaware’s Opportunity Funding program provides weighted funding and classroom-based support for low-income students and English learners in Delaware public schools.

Preschool Development Grant (Birth – Age 5)

The Preschool Development Grant helps Delaware achieve an inclusive, integrated early childhood system that supports the growth, development, and learning of all children and their families.

Title Programs

Title funds are federal monies that are meant to supplement existing state funding for education. These funds are released yearly from the federal government. The Delaware Department of Education (DDOE), Districts and Charters then allocate a percentage to individual schools and districts.