Early Childhood Educators

How can I obtain specialty training in School-age or Infant/ Toddler on my certificate?

You could meet the School-Age specialty requirement by completing one of the 16-hour School-age training bundles located on Delaware Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood – DIEEC (dieecpd.org) (i.e. Social Emotional Wellness or Family & Community Partnerships) or by completing 15 hours of School-age Quality-assured Training Institutions. School-age quality-assured training will be accepted from any [...]

2024-03-19T09:45:46-04:00March 19th, 2024||Comments Off on How can I obtain specialty training in School-age or Infant/ Toddler on my certificate?

How can I prove I have experience?

Early Childhood educators will need to provide a Verification of Child Care Experience form  showing 6 months including 500 hours or 12 months including 1000 hours of experience working with children birth through second grade, depending on the requirements needed to become qualified for a particular position. This form must be completed by the [...]

2024-10-23T14:35:34-04:00March 19th, 2024||Comments Off on How can I prove I have experience?

How do I upload a document to my educator portal?

To upload a document, you must login to your account, then on the right-hand side will be a blue box that says, "View my Credentials." Click this, and it takes you to a page with multicolored tabs. Look for the tab that says "Documents" and click this. At the bottom of the page will be [...]

2024-03-19T09:39:03-04:00March 19th, 2024||Comments Off on How do I upload a document to my educator portal?

How do I get a copy of my certificate?

To obtain a copy of your certificate, please first create an EDAccess account. Click Credentialing Application - DEEDS - Delaware Department of Education to learn about this process. Once you log in, you'll click on the "Educator Credentialing" icon. Then, you'll click on the blue tab that says "Print my credentials" in the top right [...]

2024-03-19T09:30:46-04:00March 19th, 2024||Comments Off on How do I get a copy of my certificate?

What must a complete Early Childhood or K12 High School pathway consist of?

The Early Childhood pathway for comprehensive High Schools in the State of Delaware consist of: Human Growth and Development Early Childhood as a Profession Curriculum and Instruction Dual enrollment If you completed a pathway from Polytech High School, St. George’s Technical High School, Paul M. Hodgson Technical High School, or Sussex Technical High School, you [...]

2024-03-19T09:30:18-04:00March 19th, 2024||Comments Off on What must a complete Early Childhood or K12 High School pathway consist of?

How do I request an official college or university transcript and where do I send it?

Requesting an official college or university transcript can be done by contacting your college or university directly. We often see digital transcripts delivered by “Parchment” or “National Student Clearing House”, although this is not a comprehensive list. College or university transcripts should be sent directly to . If needed, the official transcript may also [...]

2024-03-19T09:29:20-04:00March 19th, 2024||Comments Off on How do I request an official college or university transcript and where do I send it?

How do I apply for an Early Learning Certificate?

Once you login, you'll click the white box that says, "Apply for Early Learning Centers". A drop-down menu will appear, and you should click "Early Learning Certificate.” This will bring you to a new screen and you will select "Early Childhood" as the certificate type. A drop-down menu will appear again, and you should select [...]

2024-03-19T09:26:34-04:00March 19th, 2024||Comments Off on How do I apply for an Early Learning Certificate?

What is the Multi-Factor Authentication code?

For Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), please look at this four-minute YouTube guidance video: EDAccess Multi-Factor Authentication.  The video explains each option and how to change the selected option. Please submit a ticket to EdAccess Login Support by emailing:  . Once a ticket is submitted in this format, you will receive a confirmation email. It can take between [...]

2024-05-28T14:33:16-04:00March 19th, 2024||Comments Off on What is the Multi-Factor Authentication code?