Welcome to the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) compensatory education funding page. Please review the information below carefully before beginning the form.

  1.  All students eligible to receive special education and related services pursuant to the IDEA from a Delaware Public Agency as defined by 14 Del. Admin. C. §922.3.0; and
    1. who were not parentally placed in a private school or home school; and
    2. who reached the age of 21 during the 2019-2020 school year; and
    3. exited services at the end of the 2019-2020 school year because of their age without a regular high school diploma.
  2. all students eligible to receive special education and related services pursuant to the IDEA from a Delaware Public Agency as defined by 14 Del. Admin. C. §922.3.0; and
    1. who were not parentally placed in a private school or home school; and
    2. who reached the age of 21 during the 2020-2021 school year; and
    3. who exited services at the end of the 2020-2021 school year because of their age, without a regular high school diploma, but excluding such students who:
      1. did not receive services pursuant to 14 Del. C. § 3101(2)(c) as approved June 3, 2021 and in effect through August 1, 2022, because the students’ IEP teams determined that they did not require an additional year of services or the student refused additional services or was unresponsive to the offer of additional services; or
      2. participated in Project SEARCH

Legitimate Educational Expenses shall be those expenses class members have paid or incurred the obligation to pay for the sole benefit of class members and shall be limited to expenses incurred, and for which class members have not received reimbursement through insurance or other third party sources, or for which insurance coverage is unavailable, for (i) primary, secondary or special education instruction or remedial tutoring provided by certified or licensed (non-familial) teachers or tutors or in licensed facilities or programs; (ii) educational programs, services, equipment, technology, technological hardware, software, peripherals and supplies, including the purchase of no more than one (1) computer or laptop computer, and one (1) iPad, tablet, or similar device; (iii) related services, as defined in IDEA/IDEIA and its implementing regulations provided by certified or licensed (non-familial) professionals; (iv) secondary and post-secondary vocational training or education provided by a licensed school or program; (v) planned courses of instruction offered through internet providers with primary, secondary, or special education accreditation or licensing in the state or country in which they are physically located; (vi) educational evaluations conducted by certified or licensed (non-familial) professionals; (vii) behavioral therapy and social skills training, conducted at the direction and under the supervision of appropriately trained and certified (non-familial) personnel or in certified or licensed affiliated programs; and (viii) any classes, credits, or other services required for the obtainment of a regular high school diploma; (ix) reimbursement for reasonable transportation costs contemplated by this Agreement, excluding reimbursement for reasonable travel expenses where there is otherwise transportation provided by the educational program or service, and excluding the purchase or lease of a vehicle, but including the actual costs incurred for use of public transportation or reimbursement for mileage at the standard State of Delaware mileage reimbursement rate to meet the class member’s transportation needs to and from educational/training programs and services, and reimbursement for time and travel costs for service providers to and from class member’s home at the standard State of Delaware mileage reimbursement rate. The Parties agree that the forgoing shall not obligate the DDOE to provide payment for anything related to postsecondary/college education (outside of remedial, non-credit carrying, educational supports); related to personal enrichment, leisure, or recreational activities (aside from recreational services covered under the definition of related services referenced in section (iii) of this Paragraph above); of an exclusively religious and non-special education nature; or which the DDOE itself would be prohibited from purchasing or providing by law.

Questions may be directed to class counsel Lawrence Lee Wentz, Esq., by email or (302) 319-3387.

Direct Purchase

Determine whether you are requesting the direct purchase of an item and/or a service. Please note, you may add more than one item and/or service to this request form.

For each item, on the request form below you will be asked to provide:

  • Name and description of the item requested
  • Type of qualifying legitimate education expense
  • Total amount requested for the item
  • Mailing address for delivery of the item

Before you begin, the service provider must have a First State Financials (FSF) Supplier ID in order to receive payment from the DDOE. Please refer to the section State of Delaware eSupplier Portal.

For each service, on the request form below you will be asked to provide:

  • FSF Supplier ID
  • Name and description of the service requested
  • Type of qualifying legitimate education expense
  • Total amount requested for the service

Disclaimer: Substantially similar items may be substituted based on the Department of Education’s procurement rules.


You will need to have a First State Financials (FSF) Supplier ID in order to receive payment from the DDOE. Please refer to the section State of Delaware eSupplier Portal.

For each reimbursement, on the request form below you will be asked to provide:

  • FSF Supplier ID
  • Name and description of the item/service.
  • Type of qualifying legitimate education expense.
  • Total amount for the item/service.
  • Attachment: Itemized receipts with date, price, and vendor information for reimbursement.

Compensatory Education Funding Request

Applicant/Student Information

Select the reimbursement type. You may select one or both. Then fill out each corresponding section below. *

Direct Purchase

Is this direct purchase an item or service? (select one) *
Descriptions of qualifying legitimate education expense.

Second Direct Purchase

Is this second direct purchase an item or service? (select one) *
Descriptions of qualifying legitimate education expense.

Third Direct Purchase

Is this third direct purchase an item or service? (select one)
Descriptions of qualifying legitimate education expense.

If you have additional direct purchase requests, please submit them as an additional attachment with the corresponding required materials.

If you have additional direct purchase requests, please submit them as an additional attachment with the corresponding required materials.


Is this reimbursement for an item or service? (select one) *
Descriptions of qualifying legitimate education expense.

Second Reimbursement

Is this reimbursement for an item or service? (select one) *
Descriptions of qualifying legitimate education expense.

Third Reimbursement

Is this reimbursement for an item or service? (select one) *
Descriptions of qualifying legitimate education expense.
If you have additional reimbursement requests, please submit them as an additional attachment with the corresponding required materials.

Additional Attachments

If you have more than three direct purchase requests and/or reimbursement requests, please include them as additional attachments here.

Certification and Submission

I certify that I have read the information contained on this page, filled out the request form to the best of ability, and included the appropriate attachments. I understand that the Delaware Department of Education's Exceptional Children Workgroup may require additional information and that failure to provide the necessary documentation may lead to the delay or denial of this request.

Student or Educational Representative digital signature:

Parent/guardian digital signature (dependent students only):