School Transportation Resources
The Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) provides leadership, fiscal, regulatory and technical assistance for the public school districts and charter schools in the State of Delaware.
The Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) supports district and charter schools by providing fiscal, regulatory, and technical guidance. All questions regarding your student’s transportation should be directed to your student’s school district/charter school transportation supervisor.
District/Charter Transportation Supervisors
Use the search field and type in the name of a district or charter. Click on the column header to sort the column alphabetically.
Location | Name | Phone | |
Appoquinimink School District | Stacey McIntosh | stacey.mcintosh@appo.k12.de.us | 302-376-4132 |
Brandywine School District | Vickie Ebanks (Acting Supervisor) | vickie.ebanks@bsd.k12.de.us | 302-762-7184 |
Caesar Rodney School District | Susan Shelor | susan.shelor@cr.k12.de.us | 302-697-4147 |
Cape Henlopen School District | Richard Crisci | richard.crisci@cape.k12.de.us | 302-644-7900 |
Capital School District | Tiffany Hamm | tiffany.hamm@capital.k12.de.us | 302-857-4220 |
Christina School District | Mario Cromartie | mario.cromartie@christina.k12.de.us | 302-454-2281 |
Colonial School District | Marc Emerick | marc.emerick@colonial.k12.de.us | 302-323-2851 |
Delmar School District | Michelle Niblett | michelle.niblett@delmar.k12.de.us | 302-846-9544 x102 |
Indian River School District | Shawn Tidwell | shawn.tidwell@irsd.k12.de.us | 302-436-1000 |
Lake Forest School District | Dustin Weller | dustin.weller@lf.k12.de.us | 302-284-3020 x108 |
Laurel School District | Susan Whaley | susan.whaley@laurel.k12.de.us | 302-875-6155 |
Milford School District | Jon LoBiondo | jlobiond@msd.k12.de.us | 302-422-1600 |
NCCVT School District | Andrew McMullen | andrew.mcmullen@nccvt.k12.de.us | 302-994-8544 |
Polytech School District | Andrew Wootten | andrew.wootten@polytech.k12.de.us | 302-697-4535 |
Red Clay School District | Kelly Shahan | kelly.shahan@redclay.k12.de.us | 302-322-0251 |
Seaford School District | Kim Simmons | kimberly.simmons@seaford.k12.de.us | 302-629-4587 x1930 |
Smyrna School District | William (Bill) Webb | william.webb@smyrna.k12.de.us | 302-653-3142 |
Sussex Tech School District | Hud Athey | hud.athey@sussexvt.k12.de.us | 302-854-2818 |
Woodbridge School District | Kimberly Judy | kimberly.judy@wsd.k12.de.us | 302-337-7990 x203 |
Academia Antonia Alonso | Bobby Santos | bobby.santos@academia.k12.de.us | 302-351-8200 |
Academy of Dover Charter School | Michele Marinucci | michele.marinucci@aod.k12.de.us | 302-674-0684 |
ASPIRA Delaware | Ernie McGrath | ernie.mcgrath@laaa.k12.de.us | 302-292-1463 |
Bryan Allen Stevenson School of Excellence | Kim Cichowicz | kimberly.cichowicz@basse.k12.de.us | 302-448-8343 |
Campus Community Charter School | Janet Elston | janet.elston@ccs.k12.de.us | 302-736-0403 x107 |
Charter School of New Castle | Robert Morrell | robert.morrell@csnc.k12.de.us | 302-324-8901 |
Charter School of Wilmington | Tonya Dempsey | tdempsey@charterschool.org | 302-651-2727 |
Delaware Military Academy Charter School | Kenneth J. Gatson | kenneth.gatson@dma.k12.de.us | 302-998-0745 |
Early College High School at DE State University | Leah Jenkins | leah.jenkins@echs.k12.de.us | 302-857-3510 |
East Side Charter School | Maureen Thomas | Maureen.Thomas@escs.k12.de.us | 302-762-5834 |
First State Military Academy | Alexander Carter | alexander.carter@fsmilitary.k12.de.us | 302-223-2150 |
First State Montessori Academy | Julia DiMattia | julia.dimattia@fsma.k12.de.us | 302-981-0491 |
Freire Charter School | Tyron Hurst | tyron.hurst@freirewilmington.org | 302-407-4800 |
Gateway Charter School | Angela Taylor | angela.taylor@gcs.k12.de.us | 302-650-0636 |
Great Oaks Charter School | Tomanise Chalmers | Tchalmers@greatoakswilm.org | 302-332-6110 |
Kuumba Academy Charter School | Deon Booker | dbooker@kacsde.org | 302-660-4750 x108 |
MOT Charter School | Mitch Weiss | mitch.weiss@mot.k12.de.us | 302-376-5125 x1105 |
Newark Charter School | Jesse Wakeman | jesse.wakeman@ncs.k12.de.us | 302-369-2001 x2 |
Odyssey Charter School | Evan Winokur | evan.winokur@odyssey.k12.de.us | 302-994-6490 |
Positive Outcomes Charter School | Edward Emmett, Jr. | edward.emmettjr@pocs.k12.de.us | 302-697-8805 |
Providence Creek Academy Charter School | Kristine Fox | kristine.fox@pca.k12.de.us | 302-653-6276 ext. 1006 |
Sussex Academy of Arts/Science Charter School | Sherry Macbury | sherry.macbury@saas.k12.de.us | 302-856-3636 |
Sussex Montessori School | Kaneisha Savage | kaneisha.savage@sussexms.k12.de.us | 302-404-5367 |
Thomas Edison Charter School | John Shelton | john.shelton@tecs.k12.de.us | 302-778-1101 |
If you are looking for information pertaining to district/charter pupil transportation, bus contractors, and drivers/aides please see pupil transportation.