K12 General Information

List of Public Schools
Search a list of all schools in Delaware, along with the school type, profile level and grades served.
School Data and Performance
The DDOE collects and releases education-related data to update educators, families and communities about student progress in Delaware. These data are critical for making decisions that enhance classroom learning as well as public education across the state.
School Calendars
Delaware districts and charter schools follow different calendars based on individual school board approval. Each year the DDOE collects and publishes school calendars so that families and communities have a quick and easy way to access important education dates across the state.
Enroll in Public School
Delaware public schools provide Kindergarten through Grade 12 education and include traditional districts, vocational-technical districts and charter schools. Review information on school of residence, registration, entering Kindergarten, and School Choice.
Homeschool and Private School Information
Information about nonpublic homeschools and private schools in the State of Delaware.The option to homeschool or attend private school in Delaware provides the parents and/or guardians of school-age children alternatives to public schools.
School Transportation
The DDOE provides support for public school transporters to provide safe and reliable transportation for students in the State of Delaware and helps to enforce the school transportation regulations for school districts and charter schools that transport pupils, on school buses.