The matrix below is updated annually to enable schools, students and families to know if the dual enrollment course taken in high school will be accepted as a direct transfer course to one of the Delaware institutions listed in the matrix.

Note: University of Delaware will only approve credit through individual student transcript review and does not participate in the transfer matrix. See information about the University of Delaware transfer policy.

Please use the dropdowns to filter the results seen in the table. You can also filter the entire table using the “Search” box to the right and/or sort the columns.

Choose the college/university where you are taking your dual enrollment course:

Optionally, choose the course you are taking:

For each dual enrollment course listed, the corresponding columns reflect if the course will transfer at the institution the student enrolls in. If no course is listed, contact the institution to determine transferability.

College Offering Dual Enrollment CourseDual Enrollment Course NumberDual Enrollment Course NameDelaware State UniversityDelaware Technical Community CollegeGoldey Beacom CollegeWilmington UniversityUniversity of Delaware
DSUDSU ACCT 204Principles of Accounting IACCT 204ACC 101ACC 206BAC 101Ask UD
DSUDSU AGRI 102Agriculture and Natural Resources ScienceAGRI 102 ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU ART 101Introduction to ArtART 101ART 210Humanities ElectiveART 210Ask UD
DSUDSU ART 108Survey of MacintoshART 108VSC 160Humanities ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU ART 301Sculpture IART 301 Humanities ElectiveArt ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU ASTR 101Descriptive Astronomy IASTR 101 ElectiveScience ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU BIOL 101General Biology IBIOL 101BIO 150ElectiveBIO 251Ask UD
DSUDSU BIOL 102General Biology IIBIOL 102BIO 151ElectiveBIO 252Ask UD
DSUDSU BIOL 111Human DiseasesBIOL 111 ElectiveScience ElectiiveAsk UD
DSUDSU BIOL 194Introduction to Biology Professions  ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU BIOL 201Organisms  ElectiveScience ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU BIOL 207Anatomy & Physiology I BIO 120 and 121ElectiveBIO 253Ask UD
DSUDSU BIOL 208Anatomy & Physiology II  ElectiveBIO 254Ask UD
DSUDSU BIOL 261Calculus for Life Sciences  Math ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU BIOL 466Human Heredity  ElectiveScience ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU CHEM 100Introductory Chemistry  ElectiveScience ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU CHEM 101General and Elementary Analytical Chemistry I CHEM 150ElectiveScience ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU CHEM 102General and Elementary Analytical Chemistry II  ElectiveScience ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU CHIN 101Elementary Chinese Language and Culture I  ElectiveHumanities ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU CHIN 102Elementary Chinese Language and Culture II  ElectiveHumanities ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU CHIN 334Advanced Chinese  ElectiveHumanities ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU CSCI 110Computational Thinking I  Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU CSCI 111Computational Thinking II  Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU CSCI 120Elem. Of Comp. Prog. I  ElectiveSEC 290Ask UD
DSUDSU CSCI 121Elem. Of Comp. Prog. II  ElectiveCSC 315Ask UD
DSUDSU ECON 201Macroeconomics ECO 111ECO 201ECO 101Ask UD
DSUDSU EDU 121Microcomputer software Applications  ITG 149 Ask UD
DSUDSU EDUC 204Philosophical Foundations of Education EDC 150ElectiveECE 202Ask UD
DSUDSU EDUC 207Life Span Development PSY 127PSY 301PSY 329Ask UD
DSUDSU EDUC 257Motor Development/Movement Education for Children  ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU EDUC 319Multicultural Education  ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU ENGL 101English Composition I ENG 101ENG 175ENG 121Ask UD
DSUDSU ENGL 102English Composition II ENG 102ENG 176ENG 122Ask UD
DSUDSU ENGL 105Basic Study of Literature  ElectiveLIT 201Ask UD
DSUDSU ENGL 113Introduction to Theatre  Humanities ElectiveLiterature ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU ENGL 121Introduction to Composition  ENG 175 Ask UD
DSUDSU ENGL 200Speech ENG 124COM 285ENG 131Ask UD
DSUDSU ENGL 201World Literature I  ENG 355Literature ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU ENGL 205African-American Literature I  Humanities ElectiveLiterature ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU ENGL 206African-American Literature II  Humanities ElectiveLIT 333Ask UD
DSUDSU ENGL 211Creative Writing ENG 129ENG 256ENG 360Ask UD
DSUDSU ENGL 250Story SocialChange  Humanities Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU ENGR 403introduction to MEMS  ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU FREN 101Elem. French Lang. & Culture I  ElectiveHumanities ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU FREN 102Elem. French Lang. & Culture II  ElectiveHumanities ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU FREN 201Intermediate French Lanugage and Culture I  ElectiveHumanities ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU HIS 202American History From the 16th Century HIS 112Humanities ElectiveHistory ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU HIST 101World History to the Sixteenth Century  Humanities Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU HIST 102World History from the Sixteenth Century HIS 210Humanities ElectiveHistory ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU HIST 201American History TO the 16th Century  HIS 111Humanities ElectiveHistory ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU HIST 202American History from 1865  Humanities Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU HIST 203African American History to 1865  Humanities Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU HMEC 105Principles and Analysis of Food Prep  Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU HTM 100Introduction to the Hospitality Management  ElectiveBusiness ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU KINE 101Lifetime Fitness and Wellness  Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU KINE 110Introduction to Kinesiology  Elective ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU MGMT 100Introduction to Business BUS 101BUS 101BBM 102Ask UD
DSUDSU MGMT 300Principles of Management MGT 212MGT 202BBM 201Ask UD
DSUDSU MIS 105Microcomputer Applications  ElectiveCTA 206Ask UD
DSUDSU MSTC 110Algebra A  ElectiveMath ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU MSTC 111Algebra B MAT 180 ElectiveMath ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU MTSC 075Intro to Algebra MAT 180  Ask UD
DSUDSU MTSC 121College Algebra MAT 180MAT 111Math ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU MTSC 122Trigonometry MAT 190ElectiveMath ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU MTSC 241Elementary Statistics MAT 255STA 326MAT 308Ask UD
DSUDSU MTSC 251Calculus I MAT 281MAT 298MAT 310Ask UD
DSUDSU MTSC 252Calculus II MAT 282MAT 299MAT 311Ask UD
DSUDSU MTSC 253Calculus III  Math ElectiveMath ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU MTSC 261Calculus for Life Sciences  MAT 298ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU MUSC 100Introduction to Music  ElectiveMUS 101Ask UD
DSUDSU MUSC 101African-American Music  ElectiveHumanities ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU MUSC 107Chorus I  ElectiveHumanities ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU MUSC 125Class Piano (for Non Majors)  ElectiveHumanities ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU MUSC 145Applied Voice I  ElectiveHumanities ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU MVSC 210Psychology of Physical Activity  Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU MVSC 212Medical Terminology BIO 100Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU NTRS 103Introduction to Environmental Science  ElectiveENV 310Ask UD
DSUDSU PHIL 101Critical Thinking PHL 103Humanities ElectivePHI 100Ask UD
DSUDSU PHIL 201Introduction to Philosophy PHL 103Humanities ElectiveHumanities ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU PHIL 206Logic  Humanities ElectiveHumanities ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU PHYS 141Sounds and Acoustics  Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU POLS 103Introduction to Political Science POL 111ElectivePOL 300Ask UD
DSUDSU POLS 200American National Government  Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU POLS 220Comparative Government  ElectivePOL 315Ask UD
DSUDSU POLS 408Bureaucracy and Public Policy  Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU PSYC 201Introduction to General Psychology PSY 121PSY 160PSY 101Ask UD
DSUDSU PSYC 206Applied Psychology PSY 233ElectivePsychology ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU PSYC 208Health Psychology  Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU PSYC 209Cross-Cultural Psychology  ElectivePsychology ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU PSYC 216Psychology of Gender  PSY 307Psychology ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU PSYC 495Human Growth & Development  PSY 301 Ask UD
DSUDSU PUBH 105Introduction of Public Health  Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU SCCJ 101 Introduction to Sociology SOC 111SOC 161SOC 101Ask UD
DSUDSU SCCJ 104Introduction to Criminal Justice CRJ 101CJ 150CRJ 101Ask UD
DSUDSU SCCJ 200Writing in the Major  ENG 465 Ask UD
DSUDSU SCCJ 208Criminology CRJ 223CJ 350CRJ 205Ask UD
DSUDSU SCWK 101Introduction to Social Work HMS 121HS 160Sociology ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU SPAN 101Elem. Spanish Lang. & Culture I SPA 133SPN 105Humanities ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU SPAN 102Elem. Spanish Lang. & Culture II SPA 136ElectiveHumanities ElectiveAsk UD
DSUDSU SPAN 201Int. Spanish Lang. & Culture II SPA 137ElectiveSPA 301Ask UD
DSUDSU SPAN 222Spanish Conversate SPA 133 and SPA 136Elective Ask UD
DSUDSU SPSC 271Introduction to Sport and Recreation  SPM 101SPM 305Ask UD
DSUDSU UNKPlato French II B  Elective Ask UD
DTCCDTCC ACE 033 (AC)World LiteratureENGL 201 ENG 355Elective Ask UD
DTCCDTCC ACE 035 (AC)American LiteratureENGL 306 ENG 276Elective Ask UD
DTCCDTCC AET 111Construction Print Reading  ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC BIO 100Medical Terminology  ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC BIO 110Ess of Anat & Phy  ElectiveScience ElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC BIO 115Nutrition  ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC BIO 120Anatomy and Physiology IBIOL 207 ElectiveBIO 253 or SCI 335Ask UD
DTCCDTCC BIO 140General Biology (AC)  ElectiveSCI 251Ask UD
DTCCDTCC BUS 101Introduction to BusinessMCMT 100 BUS 101BBM 102Ask UD
DTCCDTCC CHM 110General ChemistryCHEM 100 ElectiveCHE 315Ask UD
DTCCDTCC COM 246 (AC)Intro to Film (AC)  ENG 246VFP 313Ask UD
DTCCDTCC CRJ 101Intro to Criminal JusticeSCCJ 104 CJ 150CRJ 101Ask UD
DTCCDTCC CRJ 119Corrections  ElectiveCRJ 206Ask UD
DTCCDTCC ECE 111, ECE 12AChildhood Health, Nutrition & Safety  ElectiveECE 201Ask UD
DTCCDTCC ECE 120Contemporary Issues in ECE  ElectiveECE 202Ask UD
DTCCDTCC ECO 111 (AC)Macroeconomics (AC)  ECO 201ECO 101 or ECO 105Ask UD
DTCCDTCC EDC 260Educational Psychology  ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC ENG 101Composition I  ENG 175ENG 121Ask UD
DTCCDTCC ENG 102Composition II  ENG 176ENG 122Ask UD
DTCCDTCC ENG 111Honors Comp (AC)  ElectiveENG 122Ask UD
DTCCDTCC ENG 121Honors Composition  ElectiveENG 121Ask UD
DTCCDTCC ENG 122TechWrite&Com (AC)  ElectiveCOM 250Ask UD
DTCCDTCC ENG 124Oral Communications  COM 285ENG 131Ask UD
DTCCDTCC ENG 128African-American LiteratureENGL 205 ElectiveLIT 333Ask UD
DTCCDTCC ENG 129CreativeWrite (AC)  ENG 256ENG 360Ask UD
DTCCDTCC EYK 603CNA  Elective Ask UD
DTCCDTCC HIS 111US History: Pre-Civil WarHIST 201 Humanities ElectiveHistory ElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC HIS 112US History: Post-Civil WarHIS 202 Humanities ElectiveHIS 316Ask UD
DTCCDTCC HIS 200World History IHIST 101 Humanities ElectiveHistory ElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC HIS 210World History IIHIST 102 Humanities ElectiveHistory ElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC HRI 101 (CA 12 B)Introduction to Hospitality  ElectiveHSP 101Ask UD
DTCCDTCC MAT 152Quantitative Reasoning  MAT 234Math ElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC MAT 153College Math/Stats  MAT 234MAT 205Ask UD
DTCCDTCC MAT 180College AlgebraMTSC 121 MAT 111Math ElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC MAT 190Pre-CalculusMTSC 131 MAT 136MAT 200Ask UD
DTCCDTCC MAT 251 (AC)Finite MathMTSC 125 MAT 234MAT 320Ask UD
DTCCDTCC MAT 253Discrete Math (AC)  MAT 234MAT 330Ask UD
DTCCDTCC MAT 255 (AC)Statistics I  STA 326MAT 308 or MAT 312Ask UD
DTCCDTCC MAT 256 (AC)Statistics II  STA 327Math ElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC MAT 281Calculus IMTSC 251 MAT 298MAT 310Ask UD
DTCCDTCC MAT 282Calculus IIMTSC 252 MAT 299MAT 311Ask UD
DTCCDTCC MAT 282(AC)Calculus IIMTSC 252 MAT 299MAT 311Ask UD
DTCCDTCC MAT 283Calculus IIIMTSC 253 ElectiveMath ElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC MSS 102Logistics II:Adv  Elective Ask UD
DTCCDTCC MSS 111Production I  Elective Ask UD
DTCCDTCC MSS 112Production II  Elective Ask UD
DTCCDTCC NRG 101Intro to Energy  ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC OAT 152MS Excel Level 1  ITG 149CTA 326Ask UD
DTCCDTCC PHY 281Physics I w/ CalculusPHSY 201 Math ElectivePHY 312Ask UD
DTCCDTCC PSY 121General PsychologyPSYC 201 PSY 160PSY 101Ask UD
DTCCDTCC PSY 125Child DevelopmentEDUC 205 PSY 301PSY 336Ask UD
DTCCDTCC SOC 111Sociology ISCCJ 101 SOC 161SOC 101Ask UD
DTCCDTCC SPA 136Spanish Comm. ISPAN 101 SPN 105SPA 301Ask UD
DTCCDTCC SPA 137Spanish Comm. IISPAN 102 ElectiveSPA 302Ask UD
DTCCDTCC SSC 130Financial Lit Series I: Where's My Money?  ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC SSC 131Financial Lit Series II: Are You Credit Worthy?  ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC SSC 132Financial Lit Series III: Planning for the Beach?  ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
DTCCDTCC WYK 600Patient Care Tech  Elective Ask UD
GBCGBC ACC 206Accounting Principles I ACC 101 BAC 101Ask UD
GBCGBC BUS 101Introduction to Business BUS 101 BBM 102Ask UD
GBCGBC CJ 150Introduction to Criminal Justice CRJ 101 CRJ 101Ask UD
GBCGBC COM 285Public Speaking ENG 124  Ask UD
GBCGBC COM 341Group Dynamics HMS 123 PSY 315Ask UD
GBCGBC ECO 200Microeconomics ECO 122 ECO 102Ask UD
GBCGBC ECO 201Macroeconomics ECO 111 ECO 101Ask UD
GBCGBC ENG 175Critical Writing I ENG 101 ENG 121Ask UD
GBCGBC ENG 176Critical Writing II ENG 102 ENG 122Ask UD
GBCGBC ENG 235Self-Representation, Professionalism, and Technology   English ElectiveAsk UD
GBCGBC HS 160Introduction to Human Services HMS 121 Sociology ElectiveAsk UD
GBCGBC HUM 230Humanities of Here   Humanities ElectiveAsk UD
GBCGBC IT 253Presentation Design   ElectiveAsk UD
GBCGBC ITG 149Desktop Applications - Microsoft Excel OAT 152 CTA 326Ask UD
GBCGBC MAT 111College Algebra MAT 020 MAT 205Ask UD
GBCGBC MAT 136Precalculus MAT 183 MAT 200Ask UD
GBCGBC MAT 234Finite Mathematics MAT 251 MAT 320Ask UD
GBCGBC MAT 290Applied Calculus for Buisness MAT 261 Math ElectiveAsk UD
GBCGBC MAT 298Calculus I MAT 261 MAT 310Ask UD
GBCGBC MAT 299Calculus II MAT 282 MAT 311Ask UD
GBCGBC MGT 202Leadership & Organizational Behavior MGT 212 BBM 301Ask UD
GBCGBC MGT 308Personal Finance Management FIN 189 FIN 301Ask UD
GBCGBC PSY 160Introduction to Psychology PSY 121 PSY 101Ask UD
GBCGBC SOC 161Introduction to Sociology SOC 111 SOC 101Ask UD
GBCGBC SPM 101Introduction to Sports Management    Ask UD
GBCGBC STA 326Applied Statistics MAT 162 MAT 308 or MAT 312Ask UD
UDUD AGRI 217Leadership and Communication in AgricultureAG Elective ElectiveElectiveAsk UD
UDUD ANFS 102Food for ThoughtAG Elective Elective Ask UD
UDUD ANTH 101Introduction to Social & Cultural AnthropologySociology Elective SOC 101Humanities ElectiveSOC 306Ask UD
UDUD ART 204Media/Design/Culture  Humanities ElectiveHIS 230Ask UD
UDUD ARTH 101Visual Culture  Humanities ElectiveArt ElectiveAsk UD
UDUD BHAN 155Personal Health Management: An Approach for a Lifetime  Elective Ask UD
UDUD BUAD 100Introduction to BusinessMGMT 100BUS 101BUS 101BBM 102Ask UD
UDUD COMM 245Media & Society COM 245ElectiveCOM 431Ask UD
UDUD ENTR101 EntreX Lab - Horn Entrepreneurship  MGT 320 Ask UD
UDUD GEOL 105Geological Hazards and Their Human Impact  Elective Ask UD
UDUD HDFS 202Diversity and Families  ElectiveSOC 302Ask UD
UDUD HOSP 180Introduction to Hospitality Business Management  ElectiveHSP 101Ask UD
UDUD MAST 200The Oceans  Elective Ask UD
UDUD MAST 215Understanding Climate Change    Ask UD
UDUD NTDT 200Nutrition Concepts BIO 115Elective Ask UD
UDUD PHYS 144Concepts of the UniversePhysics Elective ElectiveScience ElectiveAsk UD
UDUD SPAN 305Oral Communication SPA 136COM 285 Ask UD
UDUD WOMS 201Intro to Women & Gender Studies  Elective Ask UD
WUWU FYE First Year ExperienceUNIV 191 FYE 102 Ask UD
WUWU ART 301Drawing and PaintingART 103VSC 125HUM 102 Ask UD
WUWU BAC 101Accounting IACCT 201ACC 101ACC 206 Ask UD
WUWU BBM 102Intro to BusinessMGMT 100BUS 101MGT 202 Ask UD
WUWU BBM 201Principles of ManagementMGMT 300MGT 212MGT 202 Ask UD
WUWU BIO 251Biology I (With Lab)BIOL 101BIO 140Elective Ask UD
WUWU BIO253Anat and Phys I BIO 120Elective Ask UD
WUWU BMK 305MarketingMKT 300 MKT 205 Ask UD
WUWU CRJ 101Survey of Crim. JusticeSCCJ 104CRJ 101CJ 150 Ask UD
WUWU CRJ 205Principles of CriminologySCCJ 208CRJ 118CJ 350 Ask UD
WUWU CRJ304Constititional Law CRJ 222LAW 301 Ask UD
WUWU CSC 100Web Design & Development  IT 440 Ask UD
WUWU CSC 240JavaScript  Elective Ask UD
WUWU CSC 325Java Programming I  Elective Ask UD
WUWU CSC 335Java Programming II  Elective Ask UD
WUWU CSC 345Database Foundations ITN 261ITG 325 Ask UD
WUWU CSC 350Mobile App  Elective Ask UD
WUWU CTA 206Computer Applications CIS 107ITG 148 Ask UD
WUWU CTA 210Introduction to Technology ITN 101Elective Ask UD
WUWU CTA 326Integrating Excel into Business Problem Solving OAT 152ITG 149 Ask UD
WUWU DRA 105Intro to Theatre  Elective Ask UD
WUWU DRA 110Acting  Elective Ask UD
WUWU DSN 235Vector Drawing  Elective Ask UD
WUWU ECE 201Health/Safety/Nutr. ECE 111Elective Ask UD
WUWU ECE 214Creating Environments for Learning ECE 127Elective Ask UD
WUWU ECE217Fam Cmnty & School EDC 220Elective Ask UD
WUWU ECO 105 Economics ECO 189Elective Ask UD
WUWU ENG 121English Composition IENGL 101ENG 101ENG 175 Ask UD
WUWU ENG 122English Composition IIENGL 102ENG 101ENG 176 Ask UD
WUWU ENV 303Climate Dynamics  Elective Ask UD
WUWU ENV 310Environmental Science  Elective Ask UD
WUWU ESP 201Intro to Esports Events and Production  ESM 101 Ask UD
WUWU ESP 271Esports and Data  Elective Ask UD
WUWU FIN101Financial Literacy SSC 130, 131, 132MGT 308 Ask UD
WUWU GMD 105Video and Audio for Game Design  GMD 101 Ask UD
WUWU HIS 204World HistoryHIST 101HIS 200Humanities Elective Ask UD
WUWU HIS 230History of Art and Design ElectiveHumanities Elective Ask UD
WUWU HIS 300World and Regional GeographyGEOG 201 Elective Ask UD
WUWU HIS 303History of Aviation  Elective Ask UD
WUWU HIS 316American HistoryHIS 201Elective Humanities Elective Ask UD
WUWU HIS 317Military History HIS 189Elective Ask UD
WUWU HLT 321Personal WellnessKINE 101 Elective Ask UD
WUWU MAT 205Introductory Survey of MathematicsMTSC 990MAT 120MAT 234 Ask UD
WUWU MAT 308Inferential StatisticsMath ElectiveMAT 162MAT 234 Ask UD
WUWU MAT 310Calculus IMTSC 251MAT 281MAT 298 Ask UD
WUWU MAT 320Finite MathematicsMath ElectiveMAT 251MAT 234 Ask UD
WUWU MAT 330Discrete MathMath ElectiveMAT 263MAT 234 Ask UD
WUWU MUS 101Music AppreciationMUSC 100 Elective Ask UD
WUWU MUS 302History of Rock and Roll  Elective Ask UD
WUWU PHI 100Introduction to Critical ThinkingPHIL 101PHL 103Humanities Elective Ask UD
WUWU PSY 101Intro to PsychologyPSYC 201PSY 121PSY 160 Ask UD
WUWU PSY 333Psychology of Exceptional Children ECE 233Elective Ask UD
WUWU RDG 203Learner Development and Early Literacy EDC 120Elective Ask UD
WUWU SCI 240Concepts in PhysicsPHYS 121 Elective Ask UD
WUWU SCI 304AstronomyASTR 101 Elective Ask UD
WUWU SEC 100Introduction to Computer Hardware and Operation ITN 110Elective Ask UD
WUWU SEC 210Principles and Practice of Information Securtiy ITN 170Elective Ask UD
WUWU SEC 235Networks and Telecommunications ITN 150Elective Ask UD
WUWU SEC 290Introduction to Programming with Python  Elective Ask UD
WUWU SOC 101Introduction to SociologySCCJ 101SOC 111SOC 161 Ask UD
WUWU SPA 301Practical Spanish ISPA 101SPA 133SPN 105 Ask UD
WUWU SPA 302Practical Spanish IISPAN 102SPA 136Elective Ask UD
WUWU SPM210Sport in America  SPM 101 Ask UD
WUWU TEC 215Basic Photography COM 250Elective Ask UD
WUWU VFP100Camera & Cinema  Elective Ask UD
WUWU VFP101Intro to Audio  Elective Ask UD
DTCCDTCC MSS 101Logistics I  Elective Ask UD