Amplify Education, Inc.
High-quality K–12 curriculum and assessments
Amplify creates captivating core and supplemental programs in ELA, math, and science to engage all students in rigorous learning. Our formative assessment and intervention products turn data into practical instructional support to help students at every skill level build a strong foundation in early reading and math. Amplify has received all green ratings across K–5 literacy, 6–8 ELA,—all of our core programs—from the rigorous evaluators at Amplify CKLA Skills ( K–2) is the first foundational reading program to earn all-green ratings from EdReports.
Curriculum Design
Overall design and approach to our curriculum
Amplify CKLA is grounded in the Science of Reading, combining rich, diverse content knowledge in history, science, literature, and the arts with systematic, research-based foundational skills instruction. The program consists of strong skills that are explicitly taught and an intentional approach to background knowledge. Therefore the program is organized into two strands:
- The Skills Strand provides comprehensive instruction in foundational reading skills, such as phonological awareness, phonics, and word recognition, language skills, reading comprehension, and writing instruction.
- The Knowledge Strand teaches background knowledge, comprehension, vocabulary, analysis of complex text, and speaking and listening skills.
K-2: Two-Strand Approach – Students complete a 60-minute lesson that builds foundational reading skills and a 60-minute lesson that builds background (content) knowledge.
3-5: Integrated Approach – Students receive one lesson daily that encompasses reading, writing, grammar, and morphology, through an integrated approach. Grade 3 consists of a 120-minute lesson. Grades 4-5 consist of a 90-minute lesson
Evidence-based practices or research that guided the development of our curriculum
Amplify CKLA is built on the Science of Reading which refers to the pedagogy and practices proven by extensive research to effectively teach children how to read. Two main frameworks play a role in reading fluency:
- The Simple View of Reading – a theory that defines how an individual can extract meaning from a text. In order for students to gain meaning from reading, they need to learn the following elements: convert written words into speech (Decode) and understand that speech (Language Comprehension).
- Scarborough’s Rope – the idea that in order to be a successful reader, students need to have word recognition to actually read the text and have the background knowledge necessary to make meaning of what they’ve read. The strands of the rope represent the components that fall under word recognition and language comprehension.
Word Recognition: Sounds, Letters, and Words
Language Comprehension: Knowledge, Vocabulary, Sentences, Connections, and Gist
Components included in our curriculum by grade level
The following codes are used to identify the priorities. If a component is not included in a particular grade-level, N/A will be displayed in that cell.
Grade | Oral Language | Phonemic Awareness | Phonics | Fluency | Vocabulary | Comprehension |
K | C | C | C | T | C | C |
1 | C | C | C | T | C | C |
2 | C | C | C | T | C | C |
3 | C | T | T | T | C | C |
4 | C | I | I | T | C | C |
5 | C | I | I | T | C | C |
- C = Core Universal Component
- T = Targeted Support/Intervention for some students
- I = Intensive Support/Intervention for few students
- X = Not addressed
Unaddressed components in our curriculum for any given grade-level and supplements to meet the DDOE definition of K-3 HQIM
Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) is a comprehensive English Language Arts curriculum that builds foundational language and literacy skills. Amplify CKLA Grades K-2 develops these skills in a two-part program consisting of a Knowledge Strand and a Skills Strand. Amplify CKLA Grades 3-5 offers an integrated strand of instruction that covers both knowledge and skills content.
Amplify CKLA increases literacy and background knowledge across subject areas with informational and literary texts organized coherently to build students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills with:
- Regular instruction with complex text.
- Strong exposure to academic vocabulary.
- Decodable student readers.
- Read-Aloud text for rich, structured, teacher-led discussions.
Amplify CKLA supports teachers in the systematic teaching of reading and writing, provides essential time for review and practice to build automaticity and fluency, and engages students with literary and informational texts to build their vocabulary, knowledge and love of reading. Teacher Guides and the Program Guide (available on the user website in PDF form) explain how to pace the instruction across the ELA block for each grade.
How our curriculum is aligned to the science of reading
Each grade level contains an explanation of each component. If a component is not included in a particular grade-level, “N/A” will be displayed.
How our curriculum aligns with the common core state standards and shifts
Since its creation, CKLA has been in a constant process of review and refinement. The foundation’s research and insights—including its unique Knowledge Sequence—were “foundational” to the development of the Common Core State Standards. Because the CCSS were built on an identical research and concept base as CKLA, CKLA has a unique philosophical and practical alignment with the standards.
In other words, reading, writing, and speaking tasks are aligned to the CCSS and rooted in evidence from the text. Amplify CKLA provides daily opportunities with components that include reading, writing, and listening and speaking. In addition, Amplify CKLA is fully aligned with the Common Core State Standards for ELA. We have created an alignment document that outlines where each literacy standard is instructed within the Amplify CKLA program which can be provided upon request.
How our curriculum support students’ achievement of grade-level content
Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) is an effective, trusted, and engaging ELA curriculum that supports students’ achievements of grade-level content. CKLA is based on decades of cognitive science and classroom-based research, showing that fluent decoding, a large vocabulary (including academic vocabulary), and broad knowledge are essential to reading comprehension and literacy. CKLA’s underlying philosophy is that effective ELA instruction best meets students’ needs by heeding two essential findings from cognitive science: decoding (and encoding) must become automatic and fluent, and broad background knowledge and vocabulary are essential to comprehension.
Additionally, Amplify CKLA has been recognized by professionals in the many districts and schools that use the programs, and it has been acknowledged in an independent review by EdReports, having earned the highest “all-green” rating. Amplify is proud to create curricula that are rigorous and riveting, empowering teachers to personalize instruction for every student and create a thriving classroom community of engaged learners.
Embedded supports included in the curriculum for students with diverse learning needs
Amplify CKLA provides embedded differentiation to meet the needs of all students. Supports, scaffolds, and activities throughout the lessons are suitable for a wide range of learners with different needs.
- Support and Challenge suggestions provide assistance or opportunities for more advanced work toward the goal of the lesson. These supports are suitable for all learners, including ELLs.
- Integrated ELD supports in each lesson segment for ELLs are specific to students’ mastery of the lesson’s objectives.
- Skills Strand lessons conclude with an Additional Support section of recommendations for 30 minutes of extended instruction and activities directly aligned to the skills taught in the lesson to assist students who need more support.
- Teachers will find hundreds of easy-to-use resources and activities to support phonics, fluency, comprehension, handwriting and other key skills in the Intervention Toolkit.
- Amplify CKLA has a variety of technology supports, including digital and audiobook versions of the Student Reader.
Curriculum Topics
Alignment of Curriculum to Curricular Aims as Outlined in Delaware Law
The study of Black History serves to educate students about how Black persons were treated throughout history. Please describe how and to what degree your curriculum attends to the following curricular aims as outlined in Delaware law:
- Examines the ramifications of prejudice, racism, and intolerance
- Prepares students to be responsible citizens in a pluralistic democracy
- Reaffirms the commitment of free peoples to the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Minimum Requirements Included in Grade K-3 Curriculum
C=Core, S=Supplemental, I=Independent
Professional Learning
What competency-based professional learning our organization offers on our curriculum
Amplify offers multiple, differentiated professional development opportunities addressing foundational literacy skills to various key audiences, such as teachers, instructional coaches, and administrators in order to support the evolving needs of educators at all levels using our CKLA curriculum.
For a full list of current session offerings, please see
Each grade level contains an explanation of each component. If a component is not included in a particular grade-level, “N/A” will be displayed.
How our professional learning is aligned to Delaware’s definition of high-quality professional learning
Amplify CKLA sessions support administrators and teachers to launch and strengthen their new curriculum and/or assessment program — including learning the core features, materials, and research behind its design — and give teachers the opportunity to practice in a collaborative environment.
How our professional learning is grounded in Learning Forward’s Standards for Professional Learning
Amplify delivers robust professional learning opportunities that build understanding of the curricular and assessment resources, enhance educator practices related to literacy instruction and data-driven instructional planning, and aim for transformational and sustainable classroom implementation that supports strong and knowledgeable learners from all backgrounds.
SB4 requires that the competency-based professional learning provided to educators on reading instruction be provided during the school day. How our professional learning can be facilitated through a coaching model
Amplify Coaching sessions advance administrators’ and teachers’ understanding of their program and support them in taking their instructional practice to the next level. Coaching sessions incorporate each school’s specific needs by offering a menu of relevant topics and/or working with an Amplify coach to customize the time spent together. These sessions provide administrators and teachers with in-the-moment feedback, grade-level planning support, and observations and debriefs.
How we demonstrate that educators have not only completed the required professional learning called for in the legislation, but that teacher practice has positively changed in order to improve student literacy
School Leaders and coaches will use Amplify CKLA walkthrough and lesson delivery tools to evaluate how teachers are implementing best practices as taught in the Professional Learning. Three key pieces of evidence are explicit and direct teaching of the English code in grades K-2, complex text-based writing tasks in K-5, robust K-5 daily read-alouds infused with background knowledge and vocabulary. Coaching supports are available additionally and to address teacher and leader needs for best practices.
Amplify’s Professional Learning site includes training materials, planning resources, Science of Reading articles, assessment information, classroom videos best, and several other resources to develop program expertise. We are eager to partner with Delaware districts to provide strong, ongoing professional learning opportunities for leaders and teachers, which will elevate literacy instruction and change learning outcomes for students. Amplify welcomes the opportunity to discuss resources or coaching that align to the needs of Delaware districts.
How our Professional Learning attend to the differences in the Science of Reading for students who are Multilingual Learners, specifically students with varied levels of English Proficiency and students being educated in dual language programs
CKLA Professional Learning emphasizes the sound-first approach that is supportive of ELs. The Skills Strand’s explicit grammar lessons focus on building the foundational language skills needed for second language mastery. Within the K-2 Knowledge Strand and 3-5 Integrated Strand, vocabulary work, multiple meanings exercises, guided listening supports and text exposure further benefit ELs. Teachers’ Guide Access Supports provide specific EL support in core instruction that address three ELD proficiency levels—Entering/Emerging, Transitioning/Expanding, and Bridging.
Our curriculum assesses students’ mastery of grade-level content
Amplify CKLA offers a robust suite of assessments to ensure that teachers have all the information they need to monitor student progress, make appropriate placement and interventions, and adapt instruction to fit student needs. However, we recommend the use of our mCLASS product to screen for students at risk of developing reading difficulties.
The components of our balanced assessment system (universal screeners, diagnostics, and progress monitoring) including frequency of administration during the school year
In addition to assessments included with Amplify CKLA, our mCLASS system offers universal screening (three benchmarks per year), identification of students with reading difficulties, and frequent progress monitoring to keep track of how students are responding to instruction, so educators can adjust to their needs quickly.
House Bill 304 with HA1 identifies “Universal reading screener” as a tool used as part of a multi-tiered system of support to determine if a student is at risk for developing reading difficulties and the need for intervention and to evaluate the effectiveness of core curriculum as an outcome measure
How our curriculum leverages universal reading screening to measure the following.
- phonemic awareness,
- phonological awareness,
- symbol recognition,
- alphabet knowledge,
- decoding and encoding skills,
- fluency,
- and comprehension.
We recommend the use of our mCLASS universal reading screener tool to measure early literacy skills. mCLASS with DIBELS 8th Edition includes one-minute measures that quickly identify students who are at risk and specifies areas for remediation and acceleration. mCLASS with DIBELS 8th Edition has been specifically validated as a universal screener for reading and for dyslexia. mCLASS provides robust reporting and support for instruction and remediation so that all students may become confident readers.
There is not a universal screener included with the purchase of Amplify CKLA. Amplify CKLA does include the assessments below.
Amplify CKLA has a progression of moment-by-moment to benchmark assessments as indicated in the diagram. Checks for Understanding are designed to allow you to adjust instruction within the context of the lesson. Formative Assessments range from in-the-moment adaption to opportunities for individual, small group, and whole class reteach and review. Checks for Understanding and Formative Assessments also provide information to decide whether additional supports and practice (found at the end of the lesson and in the additional guides) are appropriate. Student performance data from mid-unit, end-of-unit, and benchmark assessments should be used to help differentiate during core instruction or during small group time and Pausing Point days.
How our curriculum will identify students who have a potential reading deficiency, including identifying students with characteristics of dyslexia.
mCLASS’s full suite of assessments gives educators a complete picture of each student’s literacy skills. mCLASS with DIBELS 8th Edition is backed by more than 20 years of research and development and is designed to identify and progress monitor students at risk for future reading difficulties. DIBELS 8th Edition includes measures that are aligned to common dyslexia screening areas, such as rapid automatized naming and word reading ability.
Timely data collection and reporting of universal screening is a required curriculum component from House Bill 304 with HA1
- Identifies the number and percentage of students
- Disaggregates scores by grade
- Disaggregates scores by individual school
mCLASS provides easy-to-read reports and instructional tools that automatically analyze individual student data to provide high-resolution diagnostic information about students’ strengths and weaknesses to target instruction for small groups and the individual student. Additionally, principals, coaches, district leaders, and staff can use the Reporting and Analysis Suite provides a series of templated reports, parameters, and filters to run summary reports at the class, school, district, and State level.
Professional learning provided to educators on how to use the assessments included in our curriculum
Launch Professional Development for grades K-5 include how educators use CKLA assessments in the classroom. Strengthening and Coaching Professional Development sessions K-5 provide educators with a deep dive into assessments and analyzing assessment data through the CKLA curriculum. Please see section 4 in this document and for details on the professional development and learning opportunities Amplify offers. For a full list of current session offerings and descriptions, please see
Additional professional learning and assessment information
Question | Response |
Professional learning aligned to the science of reading? | Yes |
Job-embedded professional learning? | Yes |
Universal screeners? | A universal screener does not come with purchase of curricula. However, Amplify recommends the use of their mCLASS universal reading screener tool (DIBELS 8th Edition) to measure early literacy skills to be purchased separately.
They have benchmark assessments included in the curricula. |
Universal screeners identify students with reading deficiency, including identifying students with characteristics of dyslexia? | Yes, however, purchased separately. DIBELS 8th Edition includes measures that are aligned to common dyslexia screening areas, such as rapid automatized naming and word reading ability. |