The Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) promotes an integrated multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) in Delaware public schools to address the needs of all learners, in accordance with Delaware MTSS Regulation 508.
Delaware MTSS (DE-MTSS) addresses both the academic and nonacademic (e.g., behavioral, social and emotional) needs of the whole child as a way to boost student performance. Students who require additional help are identified through a universal screening process. School teams then use evidence-based interventions based on ongoing data collection. This culture of collaboration, communication, and flexibility by both school staff and families helps develop a responsive system of support in Delaware classrooms.
DE-MTSS includes the following five essential components; data-based decision making, team-based leadership, a tiered system of support, comprehensive assessment system, and selection of academic and non-academic resources, support and intervention

One-Page Overviews
- Data-based decision making one-pager – Uses data to make decisions about academic and non-academic supports delivered to every student.
- Team-based leadership one-page – Includes educators, families and community members who share in the decision-making process for all students.
- A tiered system of support one-pager – Provides layers of support to address student needs.
- Comprehensive assessment system one-pager – Uses various types of assessments to help educators and families make informed decisions about each child’s strengths and needs.
- Selection of academic and non-academic resources, support and intervention one-pager – Establishes a process that makes certain all students receive resources and support that are evidence-based and align with existing programs and initiatives.
- DE-MTSS Technical Assistance (TA) Center – Serves as a professional development and technical assistance center for DDOE to cultivate accessible curriculum and classroom environments for all students. Statewide initiatives are designed to build the knowledge and skills of Delaware educators in the concepts of evidence-based instructional practices and frameworks.
- Parent Information Center (PIC) of Delaware – Provide information and support about MTSS for Delaware families to help them access related information and resources for their children.
- Student Wellbeing – Provides guidance for social and emotional learning across the developmental spectrum.
Implementation Tools
DE MTSS Implementation Guide – Assists district, charter, and school teams as they plan for and implement the DE-MTSS framework. Aligns with DE-MTSS regulations and presents key information and actions.
DE MTSS Tier 1 Planning Guide – Outlines best practices for providing Tier 1 instruction to all students. Designed to support school systems as they create academic plans aligned to high-quality instructional materials (HQIM). Academic priorities include core actions.
District/Charter Reference Guide – Provides for district/charter administrators and staff a quick DE-MTSS overview with key action steps.
School Quick Reference Guide – Provides for school-level leadership and staff a quick DE-MTSS overview with key action steps.
Classroom Quick Reference Guide – Provides for classroom-level staff a quick DE-MTSS overview with key action steps.