All Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) committee and task force meeting information – including agendas, meeting documents and minutes – are posted on the Delaware Public Meeting Calendar.
Charter School Accountability Committee (CSAC)
Active 1995 to present.
Reviews information and issues recommendations for all major accountability processes.
CSAC is a public committee convened by the Department of Education to review information and issue recommendations for all major accountability processes for the charters for which it is the approving authority. These processes include, but are not limited to, applications for new charter schools, major modifications, renewals, and formal review. Pursuant to 14 Del. Code § 511 and 14 Del. Code § 515, CSAC holds public meetings to discuss the information with charter school leaders, and issues reports on the matters discussed at each meeting.
Role | Name |
Chairperson | Vacant |
Counsel to the Committee | Darryl Parson |
Workforce Support | Tiffany Green |
Academic Support | Joyce Leatherbury, Preston Shockley |
Operations Support | Brook Hughes |
Student Support | Aimee Beam |
Community Members | Tierra Fair, Ted Molin |
Non-Voting Members | Kendall Massett, State Board of Education member |
Delaware Early Childhood Council (DECC)
Active 2014 to present.
Promotes the development of a comprehensive and coordinated early childhood system from birth to eight.
DECC promotes the development of a comprehensive and coordinated early childhood system from birth to eight.
Role (per code) | Name | Organization | Term |
Two center-based early care and education providers | Cheryl Clendaniel | The Learning Center | 12/15/2023 |
Lucinda Ross | St. Michaels School and Nursery | 5/25/2023 | |
One family-home based early care and education provider |
Carrette Mosanto | Family Child Care Provider | 12/15/2023 |
One parent whose child participates in early childhood services |
Christopher “CJ” Bell | New Castle County Government | 8/20/2024 |
One Delaware Head Start/Early Childhood Assistance Program Association Representative |
Heidi Beck | Delaware Head Start Association | 12/15/2023 |
One Representative of a state-wide early care and education resource and referral agency |
Kirsten Olson | Children & Families First | 1/29/2023 |
Two representatives from advocacy organizations focused on children’s health and well-being |
Meghan Walls | Nemours | 8/20/2024 |
Bryan Haimes | Christiana Care Health System | 11/5/2024 | |
One representative of the Delaware Association for the Education of Young Children |
Jamie Schneider | Delaware Association for the Education of Young Children |
9/20/2024 |
One public school district superintendent | Matthew Burrows | Appoquinimink School District | 1/29/2023 |
One higher education representative who is also serves on the P-20 Council |
Elizabeth Ritchie | Delaware Technical Community College, Educ. Dept. | 6/17/2022 |
One business community representative | Vacant | Vacant | Resigned 3/17/2021 |
Two community members | Quinn Johnson | Retired | 9/20/2024 |
Madeleine Bayard | Rodel | 6/4/2022 | |
One representative of the General Assembly | Debra Heffernan | Delaware House of Representatives | n/a |
The State Director of Head Start Collaboration | Vacant | Vacant | 8/20/2024 |
A representative of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services, representing children’s health, child care subsidy, and Part C of IDEA |
Thomas Hall | Department of Health and Social Services | 8/20/2024 |
A representative of the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families, representing child mental health, child care licensing, and family services |
Eric Hastings | Department of Services for Children, Youth & Their Families |
11/5/2024 |
A representative of the Delaware Department of Education representing early childhood professional development, section 619 of IDEA and state early learning guidelines |
Caitlin Gleason | Department of Education – Early Childhood Support | n/a |
The chair of the Interagency Coordinating Council, representing Part C of the IDEA | Pamela Reuther | Chief Operating Officer, Easterseals | n/a |
Ex Officio, non-voting members shall include the director of the Early Development and Learning Resource Center of the Department of Education |
John Fisher-Klein | Department of Education – Office of Early Learning | n/a |
Ex Officio, The chair of the Family Support Coordinating Council |
Karen DeRasmo | Prevent Child Abuse in Delaware | n/a |
Ex Officio, The director of the State’s Institute for Excellence in Early Childhood Education |
Rena Hallam | University of Delaware, DIEEC | n/a |
The ECC may appoint Ex-Officio members and advisors to assist them in meeting their responsibilities |
Ed Freel | IPA/SPPA, University of Delaware | n/a |
Mary Moor | DSCYF/Div. of Prevention and Behavioral Health Services |
n/a | |
Elizabeth Timm | DOE, Office of Child Care Licensing | n/a | |
Michelle Williams | Capital School District; Booker T. Washington | n/a | |
Rebecca Vitelli | Colonial School District | n/a | |
Clara Martinez | Children and Families First | n/a | |
Lee Pachter | Value Institute, Christiana Care | n/a | |
Julie Johnson | Advocate | n/a | |
Kimberly Brancato | Appoquinimink Preschool Center | n/a | |
Mike Quaranta | Delaware Chamber of Commerce | n/a | |
Kimberly Bryda | Little Caboose Childcare | n/a | |
Melanie Thomas-Price | A Leap of Faith Child Care | n/a |
Delaware Early Childhood Council (DECC)
Date: March 26, 2025, 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Location: Concord Plaza, Hagley Bldg, Office of Child Care Licensing
Early learning leaders across the state meet to promote a comprehensive and coordinated early childhood system in Delaware.
Early Childhood Inclusion Committee (ECIC)
Active 2019 to 2022.
Collaborates across early childhood programs to support high quality inclusive early childhood opportunities.
The Early Childhood Inclusion Committee, is a group of early childhood stakeholders meets on a monthly basis to carry out the recommendations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Education Policy statement on Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs. The goals include:
• Collaborate across early childhood programs to support high quality inclusive early childhood opportunities
• Increase public awareness regarding inclusion
• Develop materials to educate and support early childhood inclusion
• Address funding and financial barriers to inclusion
• Share and disseminate recent research regarding inclusion
ECIC is a subcommittee of the Delaware Early Childhood Council.
Any upcoming meetings will be displayed here and on the public meeting calendar.
There are no Annual Reports for this committee.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Advisory Committee
Active 2026 to 2022.
Discussed current and future work around Delaware’s ESSA plan.
Delaware’s ESSA Advisory Committee serves as an additional measure of stakeholder engagement for the Delaware ESSA Plan. The committee reviews the initial draft and final ESSA state plan and its components and also offers input and recommendations to Delaware’s education secretary and governor.
Member Name | Representation | Email Address |
Amory, Bridget | Governor’s Advisory Council on English Learners | |
Beauchamp II, Clay | Teacher of the Year (Kent County) | |
Croce, Tammy | Delaware Association of School Administrators | |
Fifer, Candice | State Board of Education | |
Larrimore, Shawn | Superintendent (Sussex County) | |
Marinucci, John | Delaware School Boards Association | |
Massett, Kendall | Charter School Community | |
Matos, Maria | Community Organization | |
McCants, Nyia | Administrative Representative | |
Patel, Nandi | Student Representative | |
Pegelow, Stephanie | Teacher of the Year (Sussex County) | |
Porretti, Claudia | Community Organization | |
Sheehan, Jon | Governor’s Education Policy Advisor | |
Sidney-Brown, Regina | Community Organization | |
Stevens, Deborah | Delaware State Education Association | |
Sturgeon, Laura | State Senate | |
Tabron, Jahsha | Teacher of the Year (NC County) | |
Thomas-Price, Melanie | Early Learning Community | |
Truiett, Sade | Community Organization | |
Weir, Pam | Governor’s Advisory Council on Exceptional Children | |
White, Orrin | Community Organization | |
Williams, Kimberly | State House of Representatives | |
Williams, Patrik | Superintendent (Kent County) | |
Cora Scott | Delaware Department of Education, Deputy Secretary | |
Janiszewski, Chantel | Delaware Department of Education, Performance Management | |
The ESSA Advisory Committee does not currently meet regularly. Any upcoming meetings will be displayed here and on the public meeting calendar.
There are no meetings scheduled at this time.There are no Annual Reports for this committee.
Extended Learning Opportunities Subcommittee (ELOS)
Active 2015 to present.
Oversees statewide planning for before- and after-school and summer learning programs for school-age children. ELOS is a subcommittee of the IRMC.
Supports the Interagency Resources Management Committee (IRMC) by focusing on before, after and summer learning opportunities for children and their families. Meets monthly to share research, collaborate and continually learn about available or needed extended learning opportunities in Delaware.
Role (per code), Appointed By | Name | Term Expires |
Secretary of Dept of Education or Designee (a) | Ruth Uhey | N/A |
Secretary of DSCYF or Designee (b) | Eric Hastings | N/A |
Secretary of DHSS or Designee (c) | Thomas Hall | N/A |
DE After School Network Director (c2), Governor/Chair | Regina Sidney-Brown | 11/5/2023 |
Rep of Nonprofit Afterschool Program (c3), Governor | Zjohell Hudson | 03/02/2023 |
Rep of Private Afterschool Program (c4), Governor | Toni Dickerson | 08/03/2022 |
Rep of Summer Program Provider (c5), Governor | Catherine Wimberley | 02/17/2024 |
School District Superintendent (6), Governor | Vacant | Vacant |
Rep of Elementary School Teachers (7), President of DSEA | Vacant | Vacant |
Rep of Secondary School Teachers (8), President of DSEA | Alison Lauber | N/A |
Member of the Public 1/4 (9), Governor | Vacant | Vacant |
Member of the Public 2/4 (9), Governor | Chantalle Ashford | 03/04/2023 |
Member of the Public 3/4 (9), Governor | Vacant | Vacant |
Member of the Public 4/4 (9), Governor | Vacant | Vacant |
Rep of Charter School Community (10), DE Charter School Network | Denise Stouffer | N/A |
Rep of Gov Advisory Council on Exceptional Children (11), Chair of GACEC | Bill Doolittle | N/A |
12 Rep of Provider Advisory Board (12), Chair of Provider Advisory Board | Patricia Belle-Scruggs | N/A |
Principal 1/2 (13), DE Association of School Administrators | Rebecca Feathers | N/A |
Principal 2/2 (13), DE Association of School Administrators | Michele Savage | N/A |
Extended Learning Opportunities Subcommittee (ELOS) Meeting
Date: April 15, 2025, 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Location: Collette Educational Resource Center
The Extended Learning Opportunities Subcommittee is established to oversee coordination, research, and planning statewide for before and after school and summer learning programs for school age children and advise the General Assembly and the Governor.
Interagency Resource Management Committee (IRMC)
Active 2015 to present.
Promotes interagency collaboration in the delivery of early childhood services.
IRMC believes in the promotion of interagency collaboration in the delivery of early childhood services to young children and their families, including young children with disabilities. IRMC operates with support from the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services and the Delaware Department of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families.
Title, Member (Per Code) | Name | Additional Designees |
Secretary of Dept of Education | Cindy Marten | Caitlin Gleason |
Secretary of Dept of Health and Social Services | Molly Magarik | Michele Stant |
Secretary of Dept of Services for Children, Youth and Their Families | Josette Manning | Meredith Seitz |
Director of Office of Management and Budget | Cerron Cade | Nicholas Konzelman, Ronda Ramsburg |
Controller General | Ruth Ann Jones | None |
Senior Vice President, Policy and Practice, Rodel Foundation, Chair, DECC (non-voting) | Madeleine Bayard | None |
Director, Delaware Afterschool Network (DEAN), Chair, ELOS (non-voting) | Regina Sidney-Brown | None |
Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3)
Active 2019 to present.
Works to ease interstate education transition challenges encountered by the children of active duty service members such as enrollment, eligibility, placement and graduation.
As a national initiative, the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children was developed jointly by The Council of State Governments’ National Center for Interstate Compacts and the U.S. Department of Defense, with input from policy experts, national associations, teachers, school administrators, military families, and federal, state, and local officials. The Compact eases interstate education transition challenges encountered by the children of active duty service members such as enrollment, eligibility, placement and graduation.
Name | Organization |
Adam Schott | Associate Secretary, School Support Team, Department of Education |
Doug Crouse | Military Liaison, University of Delaware Cooperative |
Christine Alois | Superintendent, Caesar Rodney School District |
Laurie Sisk | School Liaison Specialist, Dover Air Force Base, USAF |
Senator Laura Sturgeon | Delaware State Senate |
Representative Nnamdi O. Chukwuocha | Delaware State House of Representatives |
Casey Corbin | President, Delaware Parent Teacher Association |
Patrick Devlin | Lead Child & Youth Program Coordinator, Delaware National Guard |
Christine Kubik | Director, Joint Support & Outreach Services, Delaware National Guard |
Public Education Funding Commission (PEFC)
Active 2024 to present.
Continues the comprehensive review of the public education funding system to develop recommendations and implement improvements. Serves as an ongoing body to review funding annually and recommend updates and changes as needed.
PEFC was charged by Senate Concurrent Resolution 201 of the 152nd General Assembly to continue the comprehensive review of public education funding for all students and populations served by district and charter schools, develop a roadmap of recommendations to implement improvements to the public education funding system, and serve as an ongoing body to review the funding annually and recommend updates and changes. Find additional information about PEFC’s objectives, meeting agendas and meeting minutes on the PEFC website.
Name | Organization | |
Cindy Marten | Secretary of Department of Education | |
Ruth Ann Miller | Controller General | |
Brian Maxwell | Director of Office of Management and Budget | |
Senator Laura Sturgeon | Chair, Senate Ed Committee | |
Representative Kimberly Williams | Chair, House Ed Committee | |
Senator Buckson | Pres Pro Tempore | |
Representative Hensley | Speaker of House | |
Taylor Hawk | DSEA President | |
Tammy Croce | DASA Executive Director | |
Kevin Carson | President of the Chiefs Kevin Dickerson | |
David Tull | DSBA Executive Director | |
Emily Falcon | Colonial S.D. School Financial Officer | |
Sara Hale | Milford S.D. School Financial Officer | |
Nick Johnson | Polytech S.D. School Financial Officer | |
Melissa Tracy | Odyssey Charter School Educator | |
Michele Marinucci | Academy of Dover Charter | |
Jose Aviles Riveria | Aspira Charter Principal | |
Evelyn Edney | Early College High School Principal | |
April Albury-Harmon | Seaford S.D. Financial Officer | |
Karen Ewing | Christina S.D. Support Professional | |
Heather Hitchens | Lake Forest S.D. Financial Officer | |
Cassie Queen | Indian River S.D. Financial Officer | |
Sarah Celestin | Red Clay Consolidated S.D. Special Education Director | |
Jennifer Fuqua | La Esperanza Executive Director | |
Britney Mumford | DE ICAN Executive Director | |
Madeleine Bayard | Rodel Senior Vice President | |
Meedra Surratte | Parent Information Center of Delaware Executive Director | |
Marcus Wright | Vision Coalition Leadership Team | |
Lisa Lawson | Spec Ed Strategic Plan Advisory Council | |
Helen Anderson | Stubbs Dual Generation Center Director | |
Crystal Nelson | Red Clay Consolidated School District Educator | |
Sara Hale | Milford School District Chief Operating Officer | |
Gary Henry | University of Delaware Professor | |
Sage Sawhney | Delaware State Board of Education | |
Public Education Funding Commission (PEFC) Meeting
Date: April 14, 2025, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Location: Virtual Meeting
This meeting is virtual. PEFC will continue the comprehensive review of public education funding for all students and populations served by district and charter schools, develop a roadmap of recommendations to implement improvements to the public education funding system, and serve as an ongoing body to review the funding annually and recommend updates and changes.
Public Education Funding Commission (PEFC) Meeting
Date: May 12, 2025, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Location: Virtual Meeting
This meeting is virtual. PEFC will continue the comprehensive review of public education funding for all students and populations served by district and charter schools, develop a roadmap of recommendations to implement improvements to the public education funding system, and serve as an ongoing body to review the funding annually and recommend updates and changes.
Public Education Funding Commission (PEFC) Meeting
Date: June 9, 2025, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Location: Virtual Meeting
This meeting is virtual. PEFC will continue the comprehensive review of public education funding for all students and populations served by district and charter schools, develop a roadmap of recommendations to implement improvements to the public education funding system, and serve as an ongoing body to review the funding annually and recommend updates and changes.
Public Education Funding Commission (PEFC) Meeting
Date: July 14, 2025, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Location: Virtual Meeting
This meeting is virtual. PEFC will continue the comprehensive review of public education funding for all students and populations served by district and charter schools, develop a roadmap of recommendations to implement improvements to the public education funding system, and serve as an ongoing body to review the funding annually and recommend updates and changes.
Public Education Funding Commission (PEFC) Meeting
Date: August 11, 2025, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Location: Virtual Meeting
This meeting is virtual. PEFC will continue the comprehensive review of public education funding for all students and populations served by district and charter schools, develop a roadmap of recommendations to implement improvements to the public education funding system, and serve as an ongoing body to review the funding annually and recommend updates and changes.
Public Education Funding Commission (PEFC) Meeting
Date: September 8, 2025, 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Location: Virtual Meeting
This meeting is virtual. PEFC will continue the comprehensive review of public education funding for all students and populations served by district and charter schools, develop a roadmap of recommendations to implement improvements to the public education funding system, and serve as an ongoing body to review the funding annually and recommend updates and changes.
None at this time.
Public Education Compensation Committee (PECC)
Active 2022 to 2024.
Reviewed and developed recommendations for Delaware’s educator compensation structure and its ability to compete with regional school districts, Delaware’s private business sector, and other governmental agencies.
PECC was created by the Delaware General Assembly to review Delaware’s current educator compensation structure in order to ensure educators’ salaries remain competitive when compared to other states in the region, ultimately ensuring that Delaware is able to attract and retain highly qualified educators. Find additional information about PECC’s objectives, meeting agendas and meeting minutes on the PECC website.
Name | Organization | |
Mark Holodick | Secretary of Department of Education | |
Ruth Ann Jones | Controller General | |
Cerron Cade | Director of Office of Management and Budget | |
Stephanie Ingram | Pres of DE State Education Association | |
Tammy Croce | Exec Dir of DE Assoc. of School Admins. | |
David Kohan | Educator | |
Sara Croce | School Financial Officer | |
Sean Sokolowski | School Financial Officer | |
Heath Chasanov | School Superintendent | |
Eric Anderson | Head of School | |
Johnathan Starkey | Office of the Governor Rep | |
Kimberly Williams | Chair of House Education Committee | |
Laura Sturgeon | Chair of Senate Education Committee | |
Michael Smith | Member House Minority Caucus | |
Brian Pettyjohn | Member Senate Minority Caucus | |
PECC presented its recommendations to the Governor on Monday, October 30, 2023, so that the recommendations may be included in the Governor’s recommended budget for fiscal year 2025. Find final recommendations, meeting agendas and meeting minutes on the PECC website.
School Mentoring and Literacy Task Force
Active March 2023 to June 2023.
Tasked with studying and reporting findings on ways to improve school-based mentoring and literacy education in Delaware.
The School Mentoring and Literacy Task Force , established under House Joint Resolution 1 (HJR 1, is comprised of members of the Delaware General Assembly, Governor’s Office, specific executive branch departments, advocacy organizations and members of the public. The task force was required to report its findings and recommendations by June 1st, 2023.
Appointee | Membership | Appointing Authority | |
Caroline O’Neal | Public Member | Governor’s Office | |
Evelyn Brady | Public Member | Governor’s Office | |
Alonna Berry | Governor’s Office | Governor’s Office | |
Terri Hodges | Public Member | Governor’s Office | |
Valerie Hall | Public Member | Governor’s Office | |
Evelyn Edney | Public Member | Charter School | |
Heather Kerrick | Public Member | Delaware State Education Association | |
Bridget Amory | Public Member | DE Association of School Administrators | |
Karen Eller | Public Member | Gov. Advisory Council on Exceptional Citizens | |
Stephanie Windgert | Public Member | Department of Technology and Information | |
Wendy Hudson | Public Member | DE Department of Safety & Homeland Security | |
Eric Hastings | Public Member | Secretary, DSCYF | |
Meredith Seitz | Public Member | Secretary, Department of Education | |
Kimberly Williams | House Member | Speaker of the House | |
Jeff Hilovsky | House Member | House Minority Leader | |
Eric Buckson | Senate Member | Senate Minority Leader | |
Laura V. Sturgeon | Senate Member | President Pro Tempore |
There are no scheduled meetings at this time.
Special Education Strategic Plan Advisory Council (SESPAC)
Active 2018 to present.
Advises and supports Delaware’s vision and goals for special education services.
SESPAC believes that all children with disabilities can reach their full potential through a student-centered, individualized education system using a collaborative and supportive model. The council believes in stakeholders leading collaboration between schools, families, and communities to create inclusive education to ensure student success and growth as well as equity of special education and related services across Delaware.
Name | Organization | Additional Responsibilities |
Dawn Alexander | Colonial Early Education Program | |
Elyse Baerga | Woodbridge School District | |
Debby Boyer | Center for Disability Studies (CDS) at University of Delaware | |
Mark Campano | Statewide Program Deaf-Blind | Delivery structure/systems subcommittee chair |
Sarah Celestin | Red Clay Consolidated School District | Committee co-chair |
Tammy Croce | Delaware Association of School Administrators (DASA) | |
Bill Doolittle | Family Advocate; Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC) | Committee co-chair |
Kristin Dwyer | Delaware State Education Association (DSEA) | Resources subcommittee chair |
Annalisa Ekbladh | Autism Delaware | Parents/family subcommittee chair |
Jill Elliott-Scannell | Newark Charter School | |
Mondaria Galloway | Appoquinimink School District | |
Debbie Harrington | Family Advocate | |
Tika Hartsock | Family Advocate; Redding Consortium | Secretary |
Laurie Kettle–Rivera | Delaware School for the Deaf | |
Sonya Lawrence | Family Advocate | |
Lisa Lawson | Brandywine School District | Member-at-large |
John Marinucci | Delaware School Boards Association (DSBA) | Policy and law subcommittee chair |
Michele Marinucci | Academy of Dover Charter School | |
Kendall Massett | Delaware Charter Schools Network | Community subcommittee chair |
MaryAnn Mieczkowski | Delaware Department of Education | |
Antonnikka Owens | Family Advocate | |
Kristin Pidgeon | Family Advocate; Down Syndrome Association of Delaware (DSA DE) | |
Rachael Rudinoff | Smyrna School District | |
Holly Sage | Colonial School District | |
Wendy Strauss | Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC) | |
Meedra Surratte | PIC of Delaware | |
Mary Whitfield | Delaware Autism Program (DAP) | |
Kim Williams | State Legislator |
This information is coming soon.
Student Behavior and School Climate Task Force (SCR 14)
Active 2025 to present.
Studies the needs and options of students and educators to improve student behavior and school climate policies.
This task force was re-established to study the needs and options of students and educators to improve student behavior and school climate policies. The Task Force shall continue its work by examining and recommending a course of legislative, regulatory, and operational action that considers or addresses all of the following:
- The causes of student behavior issues, including the connection between student behavior and the social determinants of learning.
- The impact of student behavior issues on student learning, including for the individual student with behavior issues as well as for their classmates.
- The impact of student behavior issues on educators’ job satisfaction and retention.
- The effectiveness of current school discipline policies and initiatives in preventing and addressing student behavior issues , including restorative practices as adopted in Delaware and other jurisdictions.
- Adoption of data-driven, developmentally-appropriate school discipline policies and interventions to improve school climate in Delaware schools.
- Effective school policies related to engaging families in the process of addressing student behavior issues.
Coming soon.
Member Name | Title |
Senator | |
Senator | |
Representative | |
D- Representative | |
Senator | |
Representative | |
Education | |
DSEA – President | |
Delaware School Boards Association – President | |
Delaware Association of School Administrators- President | |
Delaware Chief School Officers Association – President | |
Special Education Strategic Plan Advisory Council | |
NCC Superintendent | |
KC Superintendent | |
SC Superintendent | |
Classroom Educator | |
Classroom Educator | |
Classroom Educator | |
School MH Professional | |
School Resource Officer | |
Education Support Professional | |
School Transportation | |
Parent |
A final report containing a summary of the Task Force’s work, including any findings and recommendations, will be submitted to the Governor, President Pro Tempore of the Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and to all members of the General Assembly, and the Director and the Librarian of the Division of Research of Legislative Council and the Delaware Public Archives by March 1, 2026.
Student Behavior and School Climate Task Force report – November 1, 2024