Find data reports and statistics for educational topics like student enrollment, staff, school and student performance, health and wellness and spending. Educational data can also be found on the Delaware Report Card or on the Open Data Portal for parent and statistical analysis.
Click on the topic links below or scroll down the page to see available reports.
Student Enrollment Data [Back to Top]
Student enrollment and unit allotment for enrollment and attendance in a public school during the start of a school year
Enrollment in educational programs administered by the Department of Health and Social Services, Department of Services for Children, Youth and their Families, and the Department of Education
The number of students assigned to a classroom by grade for each school as well as any district or charter that applied for a class size waiver
The number of students and schools that enrolled in a nonpublic school and are not included in the public school enrollment count
School and Student Performance [Back to Top]
This report details the educational instruction in Black History for each public school for their students in kindergarten through grade 12.
The graduation rate report shares the number of graduates and the graduate cohort for each school serving 12th grade students.
The dropout report shares the number of dropouts in a school year for 9th grade through 12th grade students.
The report shares the number of students in grades kindergarten through 3, identified with a potential reading deficiency and the literacy intervention approaches being provided.
The report shares reading curricula in grades kindergarten through 3, the individual identified to approve and provide professional development, and how the school district or charter school ensures that educators have access to and have completed professional development.
Delaware charter schools report annually to ensure they meet state and federal requirements. Find information on continuous improvement for charter schools, including current state-level and charter school-level data. Access charter school reports.
This report assesses the advantages and disadvantages of virtual learning for kindergarten through grade 12 students in a post-COVID learning environment. Includes a review of virtual learning options in Delaware.
Health and Wellness [Back to Top]
This summary report contains recommendations intended to guide efforts to increase access to and participation of young children experiencing homelessness and in foster/kinship care in quality early learning.
This summary report contains recommendations intended to guide efforts to overcome challenges encountered by the children of active duty service members such as enrollment, eligibility, placement and graduation.
The Interagency Collaborative Team (ICT) report shares unique alternative cases for children and youth with disabilities who present unique educational needs that cannot be addressed through existing resources reviewed by the team through the school year.
This resource provides data on drug and alcohol education programming as selected by the individual districts and charter schools serving students in kindergarten through grade 12.
Erin’s Law report share data on personal body safety and child sexual abuse awareness and prevention training for all Delaware public school students in pre-kindergarten through grade 6.
The consent education annual report shares data on evidence-based or evidence-informed consent education programs used in Delaware public schools.
The use of physical restraint report shares data regarding incidents of physical restraint reported in Delaware public schools in a school year.
The incidences of dating violence/sexual assault report shares data related to reported instances of teen dating violence and sexual misconduct in Delaware’s public schools.
The school discipline improvement program shares data related to the use of exclusionary disciplinary practices in Delaware schools and the efforts being undertaken by our schools to reduce those occurrences.
The bullying allegations and incidents reported report shares data related to incidents of repetitive conduct designed to harm another individual either physically, mentally or emotionally.
This report captures physical fitness assessment data by school using the Focused Fitness platform.
This resource provides data on mental health education programs used in Delaware districts and charter schools.
Educational Spending [Back to Top]
This report shares financial educational statistics for public schools and districts in Delaware.
The Early Childhood Assistance Program (ECAP) report includes a summary and needs assessment related to the program.
Analyses and recommendations for current education funding policies with a focus on equity for all students.
Educational Staff [Back to Top]
This report share the count of full-time educational staff for each public school in Delaware by educational staff category.
This report share the average salary of full-time educational staff for each public school in Delaware by educational staff category.
An annual workforce study of early childhood professionals to support the development of a plan and implementation of a system of supports to grow the existing early childhood workforce. This report was required under HS 1 for HB377.
House Concurrent Resolution 54 (HCR 54) charged the Department of Education’s Office of Higher Education, state institutions of higher learning, and vo-tech schools to work together to create recommendations focused on promoting behavioral health career pathways and, ultimately, improving current educational opportunities in Delaware for students interested in behavioral health careers.
A summary of progress made for the program introduced to address the growing challenges in the recruitment, retention, and diversity of educators in Delaware’s K-12 public schools.
Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 13 of the 152nd General Assembly required a comprehensive review of state and federally required trainings for teachers, specialists, and education support professionals and report recommendations for minimizing the burden these trainings place on educators and increasing the relevance and effectiveness.