Updates from the Secretary2024-05-09T09:18:24-04:00

Back to School…It’s Go Time

By Delaware Education Secretary Mark A. Holodick, Ed.D. As we begin the start of another school year, I would like to thank each of you for your hard work and resilience, especially these past few years. During my time as principal and superintendent in Delaware schools, I would start each school year with colleagues by saying, “It’s go time.” This meant that all the summer preparation, planning and work was about to pay off, and we were ready for staff and students to return. An air of excitement and wonder would fill the halls, the buildings were prepared, and goals had [...]


Summer of Opportunity

By Delaware Education Secretary Mark A. Holodick, Ed.D. Education has seen many challenges over the past two years.  Students and families have had to deal with interrupted learning due to the pandemic as well as limited access to summer programming.  According to independent studies and student achievement data, this has resulted in notable learning deficits among many of our youth.  Some people call those deficits learning loss.  Some call it unfinished learning.  Regardless, the effects are evident, and we, as a state, are working diligently to do something about it.  The Department of Education has been working in tandem with [...]


A Message From Delaware’s New Education Secretary

The following piece is written by Delaware Secretary of Education Mark Holodick, who was recently confirmed as secretary by the Delaware Senate.  Over the past three months, as I awaited the Senate confirmation hearing to become Secretary of Education, I’ve had the opportunity to meet with and hear from many Delawareans and stakeholders. Through my position at the University of Delaware as a senior leadership specialist, as a friend of many teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators, and as the father of three public school daughters, I’ve listened to educators, families, DSEA leadership, elected officials, business leaders, and students. I’ve learned a lot. I [...]