Updates from the Secretary2023-05-08T11:25:13-04:00
1007, 2023

Summer experiences benefit every student

One of the greatest gifts of education is that it exposes students to new perspectives and ideas. Through education, children get more opportunities to hone in on their likes and dislikes, gain a greater understanding of their world, and eventually determine and work toward the future they most prefer. Traditional education typically occurs in – though sometimes even in outdoor – classrooms. But educators and families know full well that all experiences educate, and even non-academic experiences can significantly impact a student’s academic success. Keeping kids active and curious over summer is especially important during the long break in public [...]

805, 2023

The importance of House Bill 198, from a former educator

Recently, the UCLA School of Law released a database showing that Delaware is the lone state to have zero measures enacted or even introduced that would ban instruction on how race and law have been used to produce systemic discrimination, more commonly known as critical race theory (CRT). Delaware does not teach CRT. Never has. But the information got me thinking – and reflecting – about my time as an educator in our state three decades ago, and how much we’ve grown in the space. During the 1990s, I taught sixth grade social studies, eighth grade U.S. History, and 6-12th [...]

604, 2023

Delaware Students Need All of Us

The following post was written by Delaware Secretary of Education Mark Holodick. As data continues to emerge and be dissected, it is apparent that the pandemic has had long-lasting impacts on our students. Impacts that are directly affecting student success in critical areas such as basic reading skills, math problem solving, and personal self-regulation. Anyone working in schools and classrooms today can attest to the fact that needs are high. Even though Delaware educators, school leaders, and state officials have intensified their support for school communities by focusing on providing more mental health resources and increasing learning loss recovery efforts, too many [...]

2608, 2022

Back to School…It’s Go Time

By Delaware Education Secretary Mark A. Holodick, Ed.D. As we begin the start of another school year, I would like to thank each of you for your hard work and resilience, especially these past few years. During my time as principal and superintendent in Delaware schools, I would start each school year with colleagues by saying, “It’s go time.” This meant that all the summer preparation, planning and work was about to pay off, and we were ready for staff and students to return. An air of excitement and wonder would fill the halls, the buildings were prepared, and goals had [...]