The Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) supports school staff and families serving students with an educational classification of autism. The state-funded autism program – formerly administered by the Christina School District as the Delaware Office of Statewide Autism Programs (DOSAP) and then the Delaware Autism Program (DAP) – joined DDOE in January 2023.

DDOE’s Autism Resources Workgroup collaborates with the department’s Exceptional Children’s Resources Workgroup, which supports students with disabilities including autism. Through this work, DDOE aims to provide educators and families with training and technical assistance related to:

  • Evidence-based educational programming so students can become productive, socially connected, and personally fulfilled members of the community.
  • Academic, daily living, social, and vocational skills to benefit students while at school and at home.

Meetings, Workshops

Statewide parent advisory committee (SPAC) meetings – Meets several times each year to advise on matters discussed through local parent advisory committees, which are established in each district and charter school.

Statewide Monitoring Review Board – Reviews education and related services offered in districts and charters to students with an educational classification of autism spectrum disorder. Ensures evidence-based practices and opportunities are leading to meaningful and measurable progress and inclusion.

Peer Review Committee – Provides technical assistance and recommendations for behavior intervention considerations to school teams to support students with autism who engage in behaviors that pose a significant risk of bodily harm to themselves or others, a significant risk of damage to property, or a significant reduction in learning. This committee also evaluates training and supervision of those implementing aversive behavior management procedures.

Frequently Asked Questions

No, the Autism Resources workgroup focuses on the needs of students with an educational classification of autism spectrum disorder. Exceptional Children Resources (ECR) workgroup focuses on the needs of all other students with disabilities. Additionally, ECR manages compliance related to special education for all students with disabilities including those with autism spectrum disorder.

Yes, Autism is one of the four birth mandate classifications in Delaware. Children identified under those classifications are eligible for services to be provided by their local school districts through free and appropriate public education. If concerns exist regarding autism for a child age birth to three, please contact Child Development Watch (CDW). They will collaborate with your local school district to evaluate, determine eligibility, develop an Individual Education Program, and provide services, if needed. Please refer to the Autism Birth Mandate Process for a detailed description of collaboration between CDW and school districts.

Resources for families are available on DDOE’s Digital DE site. Enter “autism” in the search bar to access support for children with autism spectrum disorder. Additional resources are available on the Delaware Network for Excellence in Autism (DNEA) website.

Respite Services

The Delaware Office of Statewide Autism Programs previously administered a respite program as part of its services.

As of Jan. 1, 2023, pediatric respite is available through the state’s Medicaid program.