Welcome school staff, families, and community members to the 2023-24 school year. I hope everyone is well and eagerly anticipating the new opportunities ahead.
As I liked to say each August when I was a district superintendent, “It’s go time.” All the summer preparation, planning and work is about to pay off, and we are ready for staff and students to return to school buildings. This year, school preparation is less of a return and more of a continuation. Many Delaware public school employees worked through the summer, intentionally offering families positive, out-of-school experiences designed to benefit every student. Several community organizations and businesses also offered valuable summer opportunities to families, unified in the effort to help empower students across the state.
Most already know well that Delaware students continue to struggle. COVID-19 caused significant changes and challenges in our education system as we navigated the complexities of remote and hybrid learning. Recent state assessment data reinforced this reality. Our students and schools are dealing with nation-wide issues: learning loss, behavioral health concerns, and a teacher shortage. And while these challenges are not limited to Delaware, experience shows that when our state comes together – like we did this summer and have many times before – we offer students the best chance at recovery.
To this end, Delaware continues to move forward with its unique, whole-state approach to addressing the many challenges our students, staff, and families currently face. Now more than ever, we remain committed to the short- and long-term strategies and recently passed legislation that are helping improve our state’s current academic and non-academic challenges. We know recovery is going to take time – we cannot be deterred. And all of us must continue to lean-in to help Delaware students succeed.
As we gear up for the upcoming school year, we remain committed to student learning and well-being. A heightened focus on mental health support, equity and diversity initiatives, and efforts to address learning loss are especially important for our students right now. We encourage all school staff, students, families and communities to embrace this work – to discover, to learn, to collaborate, and to transform.
- School staff: You are the backbone of Delaware education. Your passion, creativity, and commitment to students remains critical. We are here to support you and provide the resources you need to excel in your roles.
- Students and families: Your engagement is essential for each student to succeed. School involvement and collaboration plays a vital role in supporting academic, social and emotional growth. Communicate often with your teachers and schools.
- School communities: Delaware students benefit from the diverse resources and experiences you provide. Create or continue offering positive out-of-school opportunities that encourage personal exploration and career development, nurture interpersonal and civic engagement, and elevate student aptitude and self-worth.
I want to express my sincere appreciation to everyone’s ongoing resilience and dedication. Thank you for your continued commitment to Delaware students. Together, we will make this a remarkable and transformative school year.