Dance/Connect for Pre-K to 8th Grade

Anchor Standard 10:
Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art
Artistic Process:
Performance Component:
Enduring Understanding:
As dance is experienced, all personal experiences, knowledge, and contexts are integrated and synthesized to interpret meaning.
Essential Question(s):
How does dance deepen our understanding of ourselves, other knowledge, and events around us?
Base Standards Code:
Recognize an emotion expressed in dance movement that is watched or performed.Recognize and name an emotion that is experienced when watching, improvising, or performing dance and relate it to a personal experience.Find an experience expressed or portrayed in a dance that relates to a familiar experience. Identify the movements that communicate this experience.Describe, create, and/or perform a dance that expresses personal meaning and explain how certain movements express this personal meaning.Compare the relationships expressed in a dance to relationships with others. Explain how they are the same or different.Relate the main idea or content in a dance to other experiences. Explain how the main idea of a dance is similar to or different from one's own experiences, relationships, ideas or perspectives.Compare two dances with contrasting themes. Discuss feelings and ideas evoked by each. Describe how the themes and movements relate to points of view and experiences.Observe the movement characteristics or qualities observed in a specific dance genre. Describe differences and similarities about what was observed to one's attitudes and movement preferences.Compare and contrast the movement characteristics or qualities found in a variety of dance genres. Discuss how the movement characteristics or qualities differ from one's own movement characteristics or qualities and how different perspectives are communicated.Relate connections found between different dances and discuss the relevance of the connections to the development of one's personal perspectives.
I can notice a dancer's feelings in a movement.I can notice a dancer's feelings in a movement and see how it is like my own life.I can find a movement in a dance that matches a personal experience.I can make movements that show a personal experience and talk about what it means.I can compare how relationships in a dance are the same or different from relationships with others.I can relate the main idea or content in a dance to my personal experiences.I can compare two dances with contrasting themes and talk about the feeling and ideas that I get from both dances relate to my experiences.I can observe movement characteristics and themes. I can describe the relationship between points of view and experiences.I can compare and contrast the movement characteristics of different dance genres and talk about how we communicate different points of views through movement.I can connect similarities that I find between different dances to how I am shaping my own opinions.
Observe a dance work. Identify and imitate a movement from the dance, and ask a question about the dance.Observe a work of visual art. Describe and then express through movement something of interest about the artwork, and ask questions for discussion concerning the artwork.Observe illustrations from a story. Discuss observations and identify ideas for dance movement and demonstrate the big ideas of the story.Respond to a dance work using an inquiry-based set of questions (for example, See, Think, Wonder). Create movement using ideas from responses and explain how certain movements express a specific idea.Ask and research a question about a key aspect of a dance that communicates a perspective about an issue or event. Explore the key aspect through movement. Share movements and describe how the movements help to remember or discover new qualities in these key aspects. Communicate the new learning in oral, written, or movement form.Develop and research a question relating to a topic of study in school using multiple sources of references. Select key aspects about the topic and choreograph movements that communicate the information. Discuss what was learned from creating the dance and describe how the topic might be communicated using another form of expression.Choose a topic, concept, or content from another discipline of study and research how other art forms have expressed the topic. Create a dance study that expresses the idea. Explain how the dance study expressed the idea and discuss how this learning process is similar to, or different from, other learning situations.Conduct research using a variety of resources to find information about a social issue of great interest. Use the information to create a dance study that expresses a specific point of view on the topic. Discuss whether the experience of creating and sharing the dance reinforces personal views or offers new knowledge and perspectives.Research the historical development of a dance genre or style. Use knowledge gained from the research to create a dance study that evokes the essence of the style or genre. Share the study with peers as part of a lecture demonstration that tells the story of the historical journey of the chosen genre or style. Document the process of research and application.Investigate two contrasting topics using a variety of research methods. Identify and organize ideas to create representative movement phrases. Create a dance study exploring the contrasting ideas. Discuss how the research informed the choreographic process and deepens understanding of the topics.
I can ask questions about a movement from a dance after seeing it and doing it.I can see something in a picture that gets my attention and share my feelings about it with movement.I can look at pictures from a story and think of movements that explain the big idea of the story.I can see, think, and wonder about a dance, and create movement that expresses an idea that we talked about as group.I can ask, explore, and share about a key aspect of a dance.I can develop a question, select a topic, create movements, and discuss what was learned from creating the dance.I can create a dance study to express an idea that I have picked and explain, based on my research, how it has been expressed in other art forms.I can conduct research to create a dance that expresses a specific point of view. I can interpret and show how specific genres use movement to deepen understanding of its societal, cultural, and historical context.I can create a dance study that captures the essence of a dance style based off my research of that genre's history. I can share my work and document the process.I can create a dance study exploring contrasting ideas and talk about how my research helped me organize my choreographic process and deepen my understanding of the topics.
Anchor Standard 11:
Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding
Artistic Process:
Performance Component:
Enduring Understanding:
Dance literacy includes deep knowledge and perspectives about societal, cultural, historical, and community contexts.
Essential Question(s):
How does knowing about societal, cultural, historical and community experiences expand dance literacy?
Base Standards Code:
Show a dance movement experienced at home or elsewhere.Describe or demonstrate the movements in a dance that was watched or performed.Watch and/or perform a dance from a different culture and discuss or demonstrate the types of movement danced.Observe a dance and relate the movement to the people or environment in which the dance was created and performed.Find a relationship between movement in a dance from a culture, society, or community and the culture from which the dance is derived. Explain what the movements communicate about key aspects of the culture, society, or community.Select and describe movements in a specific genre or style and explain how the movements relate to the culture, society, historical period, or community from which the dance originated.Describe how the movement characteristics and qualities of a dance in a specific genre or style communicate the ideas and perspectives of the culture, historical period, or community from which the genre or style originated.Interpret and show how the movement and qualities of a dance communicate its cultural, historical, and/or community purpose or meaning.Compare, contrast, and discuss dances performed by people in various localities or communities. Formulate possible reasons why similarities and differences developed in relation to the ideas and perspectives important to each social group.Analyze and discuss, how dances from a variety of cultures, societies, historical periods, or communities reveal the ideas and perspectives of the people.
I can do a dance movement that I have seen in my world.I can talk about or do movements that I have seen in a dance.I can see or do a dance from a different place in the world and talk about the types of movements used in the dance.I can see a dance and think about the places it came from and the people who performed it.I can make a connection between where a movement came from and what the movement is saying.I can explain how movements from a specific genre relate to where the dance originated.I can describe how movement characteristics from a specific genre relates to where the dance originated.I can interpret and show how movement characteristics of a dance communicates its cultural or historical purpose or meaning.I can compare and contrast dances from all over the world and come up with reasons why there are connections between the important ideas of different cultures.I can analyze and discuss how dances from various cultures and historical periods tells us about the ideas that are/were important to their people.