Boys Lacrosse 2022 Rules Clinic – Make Up Quiz

Welcome to your 2022 Boys Lacrosse Make Up Rules Clinic Quiz

Name of School or Officials Association
Title (Head Coach, Official, etc.)
What website provides valuable information for all coaches and officials?

What is the key purpose of DIAA?*

The National Federation of High School Sports,

What is the maximum time allowed for practice on a school day?

Officials must register on which platform to take the NFHS Sport Exam and upload their concussion certificate?

Per DIAA Regulations, who is required to take the concussion course through NFHSLearn once every two years?

What is the maximum number of contests that can be played in the regular season per DIAA and NFHS for Boys Lacrosse?

Which of the following are true and important regarding a coach's role in their team's sportsmanship?

Player A1 is clearing the ball when he is pushed by player B1, Flag Down, slow whistle. Team A clears the ball and while in the goal area Player A2 is Slashed by Player B2, Flag Down, slow whistle. Which of the following is true:

Body Checking a player while still in a crouching position during the face-off is:

(True/False) - Officials will place the ball on the ground before instructing the face-off players to go down together?

When taking their positions for the face-off, the face-off players may:

In 2022 a protective cup or pelvic protector is required equipment. Select which of the of the following statements are true?

Select only 1 true statement.