Waiver Request

The Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association has developed a set of regulations for the purpose of preserving the educational values of interscholastic athletics, promoting fair and equitable competition, and protecting the physical well-being of the participants. Special circumstances will, at times, indicate that an exception to the established rules and regulations is appropriate. To accommodate such situations, the DIAA has adopted a waiver procedure.

Please review the following documents and regulation 1020.9.0 in the DIAA manual for the policies and procedures to apply for a waiver.


General Guidelines:

 Waiver requests should be filed promptly when it becomes apparent to the student, parent(s), principal,
headmaster, or other affected party that a waiver will be required. It is recommended that the school and the
student and parent(s) work together to complete the Waiver Request Form. The school should submit the
completed waiver on behalf of the student.

 The Waiver Request Form must be signed by the principal or headmaster of the school requesting the waiver and
must include a letter from the principal or headmaster indicating whether the school supports the waiver request.

 The waiver request shall contain all facts pertaining to the case. It is incumbent on the student and parent(s), with
the assistance of the school, to provide sufficient documentation so that the DIAA Board can render an informed
decision. Opinions and recommendations must be properly documented. Supporting materials could include
medical reports, court orders, standardized test results, etc. depending on the nature of the request. It is not the
duty of the Executive Director or the DIAA Board to produce or collect information.  School personnel may call the
DIAA office for assistance in completing the Waiver Request Form or for information about required supporting