Xinlei Xiao

Howard High School of Technology

Nomination Statement

“Daughter of Sandy Chen, Xinlei Xiao is currently ranked number one in her graduating class. Xinlei is an active and accomplished student. She is a BPA member and has placed first in Fundamental Accounting and third in Interview Skills during BPA competitions. Howard utilizes Xinlei for her integrity and leadership by appointing her as a tour guide for guests visiting Howard. Xinlei’s goal is to start her own business and have multiple streams of income. She plans to major in entrepreneurship or business management and, possibly, minor in psychology.”

“The inspiration that makes me perform well comes from within, because I’m unwilling to be mediocre. I know that not trying is easier than reaching for something that’s seemingly out of reach, but without trying I won’t know how far I can reach. Some may think it’s better to be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion; however, I rather be the tail of a lion because I will improve by surrounding myself with the successful.”