Vincent Helms
St. Georges Technical High School
Nomination Statement
“Son of Jaime Helms, Vincent is ambitious, diligent, and hardworking. He strives to do his best and encourages and mentors his peers. A member of the electrical trades career area, Vincent manages his time wisely allowing him to attend school and work fulltime in his trade with the Local Electricians Union #313. Whether inside the classroom or working fulltime in the field, he is a leader and all-round wonderful young man with endless drive and potential. Vincent plans to enter the Apprenticeship program and aspires to become a certified electrical journey person.”
“Growing up my family has been very supportive. They push me to do and be my best and strive for greatness. My motivation comes from building the mindset of pushing yourself to be the best and being the hardest worker in the room. My grandfather has been the best father figure; I look up to him as he has been there my whole life, always helping and going that extra mile to protect and care for the people he loves.”