Riley Klopp

Cape Henlopen High School

Nomination Statement

“Riley is the daughter of Geoff and Lynnette Klopp of Lewes. She is an outstanding student, athlete, and leader. She has maintained one of the highest GPAs in her class, while being involved in a multitude of activities in and out of school. Academically, she has taken 6 Advanced Placement classes and numerous dual enrollment options. She is treasurer of her class and an officer in various other organizations. She is a member of state championship field hockey teams and has won awards through FFA and the Girl Scouts. Riley plans to attend Franklin & Marshall College.”

“Hard work and perseverance are the most fruitful qualities a person can possess. It is hard work and applying myself that has allowed me to face trying situations and continue through them to find the lesson at the end of the struggle. Without hard work, that lesson may go undiscovered and my mistakes may be repeated. Therefore, both my academic and athletic success can be attributed to hard work and the mysteries of self-improvement uncovered through perseverance.”