Early Literacy
Resources that support districts and charters in implementing early literacy aligned to cognitive science (Science of Reading) and the State Literacy Plan
Resources to support educators in selecting screening tools that support the Universal Screening Process within DE-MTSS and DE House Bill 304 of the 151st General Assembly
NCII tools charts display expert ratings on technical rigor of assessments and interventions. Products are reviewed by an external technical review committee of experts.
In alignment with DE House Bill 304 of the 151st General Assembly, the DDOE has released Publisher profiles which contain information on HQIM publishers that provide screening tools connected to core resources.
This course is intended to support educators in understanding and implementing the universal screening process, with a focus on screening for early reading difficulties.
DE-MTSS Essential Component Comprehensive Assessment System uses various types of assessments to help educators and families make informed decisions about each child’s strengths and needs.
DE-MTSS Essential Component Comprehensive Assessment System uses various types of assessments to help educators and families make informed decisions about each child’s strengths and needs.
This course is intended to assist educators in gaining the necessary knowledge to implement MTSS to promote positive outcomes for students. This course includes a series of five modules that introduces Delaware’s MTSS framework and provide an overview of the key concepts and practices that lead to an effective MTSS.
Resources to support educators in selecting and implementing interventions that support student needs based on data based decisions as part of the DE-MTSS process and DE House Bill 304 of the 151st General Assembly
NCII tools charts display expert ratings on technical rigor of assessments and interventions. Products are reviewed by an external technical review committee of experts.
NCII Tools Charts display expert ratings on technical rigor of assessments and interventions. Products are reviewed by an external technical review committee of experts.
This course focuses on effective practices for supporting the literacy skills of students in Kindergarten to 3rd grade. Modules within the course include Explicit Instruction in Reading, Foundational Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Comprehension, and Intensive Intervention in Reading.
DE- MTSS Essential Component Selection of Academic and Nonacademic Resources, Supports and Interventions establishes a process that makes certain all students receive resources and support that are evidence-based and align with existing programs and initiatives.
The DE-MTSS Essential Component Comprehensive Assessment System uses various types of assessments to help educators and families make informed decisions about each child’s strengths and needs.
The purpose of this document is to increase the capacity of practitioners and educational leaders to support a broad range of learners who need more literacy supports to become skilled readers and writers by identifying a set of essential practices that are research-supported and should be the focus of professional development.
This course is intended to assist educators in gaining the necessary knowledge to implement MTSS to promote positive outcomes for students. This course includes a series of five modules that introduces Delaware’s MTSS framework and provide an overview of the key concepts and practices that lead to an effective MTSS.
DE-MTSS Essential Component A Tiered System of Support – Provides layers of support to address student needs.
Delaware’s recommended list of High Quality Instructional Materials support the full scope of the science of reading aligned to DE Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 4 of the 151st General Assembly and the state’s HQIM Initiative
These resources are provided to support districts and charters who wish to use the alternative curricula process outlined in DE Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 4 of the 151st General Assembly.
The alternative curriculum process is designed for those districts and charters who are seeking to use resources other than those already designed HQIM on the state’s publisher profiles list. Curricula will be reviewed using the Reading League’s Curriculum Evaluation Guidelines. Applicants should pay special attention to the “red flags” when reviewing their curriculum to ensure that it does not include practices not aligned with the science of reading. For all Districts/Charters seeking to participate in the Alternative Curriculum Process, please email your completed Alternative K-3 Curriculum application to earlylitde@doe.k12.de.us
These resources have been approved for use based on the review of the curriculum alongside the district or charter’s respective professional learning plan.
Professional Learning provided by the Department of Education to help districts and charters build capacity within their system to strengthen literacy approaches aligned to cognitive science and DE Senate Substitute 1 for Senate Bill 4 of the 151st General Assembly
The Delaware Early Literacy Micro-credentials are part of the Delaware Literacy Plan and are aligned to the science of reading.
LETRS teaches the skills needed to master the foundation and fundamentals of reading and writing instruction—phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and written language.
AIM Pathways coursework is designed for educators who are committed to learning about the connection between reading research, theoretical models such as the Simple View of Reading and Scarborough’s Reading Rope, and best practices for language and literacy instruction in the classroom. Participants will learn effective instructional practices that will benefit all students, including those with or at risk for language-based learning disabilities.
The HQIM Publisher Professional Learning Opportunities profiles provide information from HQIM publishers aligned to curricular resources.
The DE-MTSS Essential Component Team Based Leadership includes educators, families and community members who share in the decision-making process for all students.
The PLC Toolkit offers schools, districts and charters the opportunity to facilitate professional learning within a collaborative environment. This competency based professional learning should be facilitated by a literacy coach or literacy content specialist during PLC. For more information on how to use this resource within your school, district or charter, please contact earlylitde@doe.k12.de.us
This vendor guide provides information on partners that have been through a rigorous vetting process and their professional learning opportunities align to the science of reading.
This professional learning catalog provides an overview of the early literacy learning pathways and options included in the Delaware Literacy Plan.
Guidance and resources in this section are provided to help districts and charters implement early literacy instruction aligned to the science of reading.
This guide provides an overview of how families and caregivers can support their children’s literacy development at home.
The purpose of this document is to clarify implications, recommendations, and actionable resources for Delaware Educators to navigate new legislation at the intersection of the Science of Reading and High-quality Instructional Materials (HQIM) for Multilingual Learners (MLLs).
This podcast explores how previous methods of teaching reading have been problematic for students and what to do to change.
Over six episodes, the podcast explores what research tells us about how children really learn to read. Educators from around the country share their experiences of embedding knowledge-building into their literacy instruction, and the powerful effects this change had on their students.
Delaware Delivers Strong Early Readers provides school system leaders with an overview of how Delaware will develop strong readers who can succeed in college, career, and life. Specifically, it outlines the state’s investments in early literacy, including recent legislation, and how education leaders can create effective systems to bolster early literacy instruction in their schools.
This document provides context on understanding the nuisances of the Science of Reading and implementation for Multilingual Learners/Emergent Bilinguals.
This website provides resources to families to support strong literacy practices at home.
This resource is designed to provide resources and activities families can do at home to support literacy.
Este podcast indaga en cómo los métodos anteriores de enseñanza de la lectura han sido dificultosos para los estudiantes y qué hacer para cambiar.
The Reading League has reviewed curricula for alignment to the Science of Reading. These reviews are not recommendations but serve as informational reports that can support decision makers in selecting the best resources for their local context.