Headshot of Zoe Zellhart

Nomination Statement

Zoe Zellhart, daughter of Richard and Kim Zellhart, is an exceptional student who ranks at the top of her class, selecting a rigorous curriculum that includes Advanced Placement and dual enrollment courses. Zoe is the director of the Raven Report and a member of the Sportscasting Crew, student-produced broadcast and media programs. She is also involved in various activities including working part-time, performing in the music program, serving as a peer leader, and volunteering with her church’s summer youth program. Zoe plans to attend college and pursue a career in media communications.
“I was in 5th grade when I was first introduced to the art of broadcasting. Sussex Technical High School was the school of my dreams, and I was insistent on pursuing my passion of directing. For the last three years, I have gotten to do just that. Women belong in all spaces in broadcasting, not just in front of a camera. Through my college experience and beyond, I desire to be a part of the ever-changing future of broadcasting.”