Learning Disability
This disability category is defined as a disorder in one (1) or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in the imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. Specific Learning Disability does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, or mental retardation.
Eligibility *
The current eligibility criteria for Learning Disability under state law is found in Title 14 Education Delaware Administrative Code Section 925. If a student is found to have a disability, the Individualized Education Program (IEP) team must also determine the need for special education and related services (6.0 Determination of Eligibility).
Existence of a learning disability: Subject to the requirements of 6.11.3, public agencies shall use the standards and procedures in 7.0 through 11.0 to determine whether a child is eligible for special education and related services under the learning disability category.
Age of Eligibility: The age of eligibility for students identified under this definition shall be from the fourth birthday until the receipt of a regular high school diploma or the end of the school year in which the student attains the age of twenty-one (21), whichever occurs first.
* Retrieved from Title 14 Education Delaware Administrative Code.
Helpful Resources
Office of Early Learning
Delaware Department of Education
Dover, DE 19901
(302) 735-4295