Becoming a Delaware Educator

Delaware welcomes individuals who had not previously planned to work in education, to work in our schools. We also welcome educators from around the United States and from around the world, to join our education workforce. Choose the section below that best aligns to your status in the field of education.

This Becoming a Delaware Educator page includes the following sections:

Delaware Residents who want to work in Delaware Education


  • Paraeducators or Paraprofessionals are individuals who work in the Public school system and provide services to students under the direct supervision of a licensed teacher. They perform a variety of tasks including, but not limited to, working with individual students, working with small student groups, assisting in computer labs, assisting with student behavior, or assisting with training support of personal care or assistive technology. This is not an exhaustive list and the hiring educational agency will provide the candidate with specific job responsibilities upon hire.
  • Minimum Education Level: The minimum education requirement for becoming a Paraeducator is a high-school diploma. If this sounds like you, visit the Paraeducator page to learn more.


  • Teachers are the instructional leaders in the classroom and are the most important component in the education of a child.
  • Minimum Education Level: the minimum education requirement for becoming a Teacher is a Bachelor’s Degree.
  • If you have a degree in education, visit the New Delaware Educator page for more information.
  • If you have a degree or 30 credit hours in a specific field such as the field of science, business, mathematics, political science, for example, you may be eligible to enroll in an Alternate Routes to Education program. Once in that program, you will take coursework that will assist in becoming a teacher. You may even be eligible to work in a classroom, as a teacher, while you hone your teaching skills. Visit the Alternative Routes to Certification (ARTC) page to learn about the program options that are available to you.

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Out-of-State Educators who want to work in Delaware Education

Delaware will make every effort to honor reciprocity for educators who hold valid, active, and comparable credentials in another State. Delaware will consider issuing either an Initial License or a Continuing license if the applicant:

  • Is not subject to hold on the application
  • Meets license requirements and
  • Holds a valid and current license or certificate from another state in the area for which the applicant requests a certificate.

Expired licenses from another state are subject to limitations. Visit Out-of-State Applicant Certification for additional information.

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Non-U.S. Educators who want to work in Delaware Education

Please note that applicants who hold licensure/certification from Guam or Puerto Rico should refer to Out-Of-State Applicant Certification.

Applicants who have attended and/or graduated from a non-U.S. college or university will follow the same application process as all other applicants with one exception: such applicants must have their transcripts evaluated by an independent agency. This agency will conduct a two-step process:

  1. Translate the transcript (if translation is necessary)
  2. Determine how the coursework taken by an individual equates to coursework offered at American colleges and universities, which are regionally accredited. Even if a transcript is in English, the transcript must undergo the evaluation process.

It is critical that the applicant ensure that they order the appropriate documents from an approved professional organization.

Visit Non-U.S. Applicant Certification for additional information.

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Delaware Department of Education
Licensure and Certification
Collette Education Resource Center
35 Commerce Way, Suite 1
Dover, DE 19904

Feel free to contact us:
M-F 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Contact Us – Delaware Department of Education

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Last Modified on July 19, 2022