TNTP is a national nonprofit that partners with school systems.
About our organization
TNTP helps school systems end educational inequality. We work at every level of the public education system to attract and train talented teachers and leaders, ensure rigorous and engaging classrooms, and create environments that prioritize great teaching to accelerate student learning. Since 1997, we’ve partnered with more than 300 public school districts and charter networks and have extensive experience designing and facilitating professional learning opportunities focused on understanding and implementing research-based instructional practices in literacy.Our team
21-50 facilitators/coachesEducator services
- Acceleration Support for Leaders
- Acceleration Support for Teachers
- High-Quality Instructional Materials Professional Learning
- Science of Reading Professional Learning
Student services
- Digital Math Supports
- High-Dosage Tutoring
- Online Text Repository
Acceleration support for leaders
Sample Service
Service description
TNTP uses our Learning Acceleration for All resource to train school and district leaders so that their teachers have the knowledge, skills, and mindsets that they’ll need to provide students access to grade-appropriate assignments and strong instruction to ensure that students are able to accelerate their learning.Delivery method
Two-to-four hour sessions, in-person or virtualPreferred format
Blended, In-person, Virtual: Asynchronous, Virtual: SynchronousTarget audience
School leaders, School system coaches and leaders, School-based coachesCan be fully virtual
YesParticipants per facilitator
Please contact vendor for pricing detailsSupports EL/SWD
YesFormer client of this service
Red Clay School DistrictAcceleration support for teachers
Sample Service
Service description
TNTP offers a range of trainings grounded in the content-specific characteristics of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM). We ensure that educators understand how to use HQIM using model lessons, strong video exemplars, and unit and lesson planning protocols to effectively teach grade-level content and accelerate student learning.Delivery method
Two-to-four hour workshops, in-person or virtualPreferred format
Blended, In-person, Virtual: Asynchronous, Virtual: SynchronousTarget audience
School leaders, School system coaches and leaders, School-based coaches, TeachersCan be fully virtual
YesParticipants per facilitator
Please contact vendor for pricing detailsSupports EL/SWD
YesFormer client of this service
Holyoke Public SchoolsHQIM Professional Learning
HQIM phase expertise
- Adoption
- Initial PL
- Ongoing PL
- Systems support
HQIM ELA expertise
- ARC (American Reading Company)
- Bookworms
- Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA)
- Developing Core Literacy Proficiencies
- EL (EL Education)
- Engage NY
- LearnZillion Guidebooks
- ReadyGen
- Springboard
- StudySync
- Wit & Wisdom
- Wonders
HQIM math expertise
- Agile Mind
- Bridges In Mathematics
- Core Plus
- Discovering Mathematics
- enVision
- Eureka Math
- HMH Into Math
- Illustrative Math
- Ready Math
- Reveal Math