Andy Canterna
ARC’s mission: every student reading on or above grade level.
About our organization
ARC’s mission is for every student to read and write on or above grade level. ARC’s HQIM, ARC Core®, includes culturally-responsive, knowledge-building units of study that integrate reading, writing, science, and social studies content in a student-centered learning environment. ARC's professional learning supports high-quality curriculum implementation through a comprehensive and continuous improvement approach. The ARC team works alongside teachers and leaders to establish conditions for success, guide implementation, grow expertise, and improve outcomes for all students.Our team
More than 50 facilitators/coachesEducator services
- Acceleration Support for Leaders
- Acceleration Support for Teachers
- High-Quality Instructional Materials Professional Learning
- Science of Reading Professional Learning
Student services
- Digital Math Supports
- High-Dosage Tutoring
- Online Text Repository
Acceleration support for leaders
Sample Service
Service description
ARC’s Leadership Learning Series is designed to build organizational capacity to implement ARC’s HQIM (including Summer Semester®) and accelerate student learning. Through a three-phase plan, school leaders engage in collaborative improvement cycles with ARC Coaches to examine the current decision-making system and progress-monitoring process with quantitative and qualitative data.Delivery method
Customizable in-person or virtual sessions may include introductory workshops, learning walks, data and systems analysis, instructional leadership teams, and 1:1 coaching.Preferred format
In-personTarget audience
School leadersCan be fully virtual
YesParticipants per facilitator
Please contact vendor for pricing detailsSupports EL/SWD
YesFormer client of this service
Smyrna School DistrictAcceleration support for teachers
Sample Service
Service description
ARC aligns high-quality teacher support with its HQIM (including Summer Semester®) to empower teachers to accelerate student reading growth. Teachers engage in job-embedded sessions with ARC Coaches to develop expertise in planning, delivering, and assessing results of grade-level and differentiated instruction to meet student needs across skill levels and backgrounds.Delivery method
Customizable in-person or virtual sessions may include introductory workshops, learning walks, modeled/co-facilitated lessons, professional learning communities, and 1:1 coaching.Preferred format
In-personTarget audience
TeachersCan be fully virtual
YesParticipants per facilitator
Please contact vendor for pricing detailsSupports EL/SWD
YesFormer client of this service
Caesar Rodney School DistrictHQIM Professional Learning
HQIM phase expertise
- Adoption
- Initial PL
- Ongoing PL
- Systems support
HQIM ELA expertise
- ARC (American Reading Company)