Headshot of Camryn Cunningham

Nomination Statement

Camryn is ranked second out of 349 with a 4.162 cumulative grade point average. She is the daughter of Ashley and Casey Cunningham of Lewes. Camryn is an AP Scholar and highly active in her school community. Some of her extracurricular clubs and activities include National Honor Society, Leo Club, Book Club, Green Club, lead section writer for the school newspaper, creator of the Senior Gratitude Magazine, and an attendee for the Governor’s School of Excellence. Camryn is dedicated to leaving a positive legacy through her writings. She plans to attend Northeastern University and will major in journalism.
“Maintaining an open mind has been the greatest aid to me during my academic career. Because of this I have dedicated my work to providing new perspectives than are typically highlighted. These experiences have opened my mind in ways I could never have expected. I believe that by using myself as a conduit for stories, I can aid the progression of acceptance and inclusion.”