Headshot of Brady Thompson

Nomination Statement

Son of Jim and Jennifer Thompson, Brady is the epitome of disciplined-chill which is why it makes sense that he desires to go to college on the West Coast. Brady has held multiple student leadership positions such as class president and a member of student government. He has played basketball and certainly has earned his fair share of academic awards. All the while, Brady remains humble and very well liked among all staff and students.
“For me, the key to success is self-motivation: When I want to achieve a goal, I won’t accept anything other than attaining it. I’ve always inherently wanted to excel in school, and in all my endeavors. If someone forces me to do something, I do the bare minimum. But when I want something, I accept nothing but my best. Whatever my future goals include -academically and otherwise, when I define what I want, I go for it with full effort.”