Nomination Statement
Tevaughn Sanford-Brown, son of Stephanie Rich,is a caring and determined student. He dedicates what seems to be equal energy, passion and commitment to all the activities that he participates in. Tevaughn participated in National Honors Society, where he and other club members went out in the community to beautify the school's neighborhood. His positive attitude is the most inspiring thing about him. People who know Tevaughn describe him as someone that you can depend on and look to for leadership and direction." He will attend Temple University and major in the arts."
“I didn't always have good grades, but as I grew up, I realized something. In around 7th grade, one day it all reflected on me how hard life would be if I had poor grades or average grades all the time. So I made the independent decision to step my game up and take school much more seriously. In short, the thing that inspired me to have the good grades I have today is the reward that comes with it.”