Headshot of Nasir Williams

Nomination Statement

Nasir has a cumulative GPA of 4.43 which earned a current class rank of 1 out of 262. Nasir is heavily involved with schoolwide extra-curricular activities/sports such as being an active member/student advisor for the Black Student Union Club (BSU) and the Pride Club. Nasir is front and center with our school's equity work. Recently, Nasir competed in the 2024 Girl's Wrestling State Championship for individual meets. Nasir placed 3rd in the state for their weight class. Academically and socially, Nasir demonstrates what a scholar should embody as a candidate for Secretary of Education Scholars.
“I was once asked what I thought the immutable parts of myself were and despite all the answers I could form, there was only one that I knew was true. Down to the core, Nasir Williams is a man of community. My intelligence, my humor, my kindness, my generosity, and my determination are all a product of my community's outpour in me. I'm on the path I am today because of the people who've cared enough to put me there.”