Headshot of Laura Fenush

Nomination Statement

Laura Fenush, daughter of Marise and Jerry Fenush, is a compassionate person and diligent student ranked third out of 530 seniors, with a 99.65 GPA. Laura is a Delaware All-State Band Member, a member of the National Honor Society, and completed the National Latin Exam Cum Laude. Laura's aspiration to be an educator leads her to help others by teaching at a local learning center, at her church, and serving as president of our Educators Rising. Participation in the Teachers of Tomorrow Program exemplifies her future. Laura will attend the University of Delaware and major in elementary teacher education.
“I have overcome many obstacles, both academic and personal, throughout my high school career, but none of them alone. I owe much of what I have achieved to familial support and encouragement, and a phrase my dad has imbued upon me: 'To eat an elephant, you take it one bite at a time.' I've had many 'elephants' come through my life, but with the help of this advice, none have been able to obstruct my achievements.”