Headshot of Adilene Quezada-Castrejon

Nomination Statement

Adilene Quezada-Casterjon is the daughter of Maria Castrejon-Rosario and Felipe Castrejon. Adilen is an exceptional student who is driven to succeed. She is currently ranked second in her class with a weighted GPA of 101.931. Adilene is a translator for our school and district, member of marching band, Talent Search Program participant, and employee at Texas Roadhouse. Adilene plans on studying nursing at John Hopkins or Salisbury University.
“Knowing I'll be the first in my family to go to college motivated me to continue and go beyond my studies. I want to demonstrate to everyone including myself that I'm capable of any and everything. There have been times I struggle to stay on top of school, but that's all part of the journey. As I walk out on that stage, I'll be content knowing I finished my high school years as my family's pride. Thank you for everything!”